Surgery could be successfully avoided in c child who had chalazion.

One year 2months old male child, S. K. ( L-10112), had been suffering with chalazion since four months. He had a chalazion on right eyelid initially which resolved without any treatment within a month. It recurred in left lower eyelid since past one month. The chalazion was increasing rapidly since last one week and was advised surgery by eye surgeon.

There was history of febrile convulsions a year back which lasted for 2-3 minutes. No relapse of convulsions later, but had been getting recurrent fever (101-102 degrees) every month lasting for 1-2 days. Also there had been a past history of gastroenteritis.

He has good appetite. He was a cesarean baby, on breast feeding and semi-solid foods.
His miles stones were normal. His thirst was normal. He had normal bowel movements.

He was quite stubborn, irritable and cranky. There has not been family history of any major illness and chalazion.

Dr Shah studies the cases and prescribed Sulphur 1M, based on the case details. Within a month the chalazion reduced in size and was 75% reduced in two months. In three and half months the existing chalazion on left lower eyelid had completely resolved.

This case illustrates, that amazing powers of homeopathic medicines cure chalazion and the eye-lid mass resolved completely. Surgery was avoided.

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I. C, age three years (Patient Identification Number - 10173), visited Life Force on 21st November 2007 with the complaint of recurrent chalazion on her right lower eye lid since past one and half years. Earlier they were four in number, on upper & lower eyelids of right eye but three of them.....Read more

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