A Remarkable Relief From Breast Cancer Obtained With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 39-years-old lady, Mrs. N.S. (PIN: 31190) visited Life Force on 4th Feb 2017 for her ailments of breast cancer post-surgery.

The patient was asymptomatic when she visited Life Force. Her complaints had started with mild pain in the left breast in January 2016. Rest everything was asymptomatic. She got it diagnosed from a gynecologist with some investigations and surgery was done in the same month.

Post-surgery, the patient took chemotherapy and radiation therapy till July 2016. Post chemo and radiation, the patient was on metronomic therapy (Experimental maintenance of the cancer patients post chemotherapy and radiation to avoid recurrence.). The patient experienced diarrhea and weakness after the consumption of metronomic treatment medications, and thus wanted to stop the same and shift to Homeopathy to avoid the recurrence and maintain good health.

Based on the case history and details, Dr. Shah prescribed the patient his cancer-based research molecules along with other medicines to boost her immune system.

The patient was doing good in general, but, after 4 months in May 2017, the patient experienced some small pustule and burning sensation. She was asked to consult a gynecologist and was prescribed accordingly.

On the next follow-up in August 2017, the patient said that no burning was affecting her now and that she was feeling better in general.

Her latest update was in July 2018, where the patient said she is doing good in general.

The patient is still under our care and doing better.
This case highlights that in cases like that of cancer where it is necessary one undergoes chemotherapy and radiation and, in return, face side-effects like diarrhea, a loss of appetite, or weakness in general, Homeopathy comes to your rescue to help you live a better life. 

Written by Dr. Krutika, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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