Homeopathy - A Non-Invasive Effective Treatment For Molluscum Contagiosum Gifted Incredible Recovery In A Kid

A 7-years-old young boy, Mast. A.Y. (PIN: 35986) came to Dr. Shah on 3rd March 2018 for the treatment of Molluscum contagiosum. He had eruption around his mouth and on the abdomen and axilla for the past five months. He had a number of small, firm, raised pimple-like bumps on the skin with a pearly appearance with no itching or irritation. He was treated by another Homeopathic doctor with no change in his eruptions.

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He had an associated complaint of frequent cold & cough. In every month, he would get an episode of cold which would last for a week. In the past, he had no major suffering. In his family, mother was suffering from vitiligo and she has been following the treatment under the care of Dr. Rajesh Shah. His paternal grandmother was suffering from Asthma complaint.

His appetite was average, and he had a craving for eggs and disliked fruits. He would perspire moderately, and he was sensitive to the heat. His bowel bladder habits were normal.

His father was a General physician, and his mother was Tender manager by profession. He was a lively, active, and playful child.

Based on case details and history, Carcinosin-30 was prescribed to the child.

When the patient visited us on 1st May 2018, his eruptions had started to dry. He was not having any new lesions, however, on 15th May 2018, the patient's mother informed that they have observed new small lesions around his mouth. It was advised to increase one dose i.e. 4 pills 4 times and to inform after a few weeks.

When he visited us 20th June 2018, his condition was stable and there was no further improvement. Dr. Shah increased the dose of medicines.

Gradually, his Molluscum began to fade away very nicely, and, on 17th August 2018, when the patient visited our clinic his eruptions of Molluscum contagiosum on the abdomen and around the mouth were all clear. Only one minor lesion on left axilla had remained. He is still continuing the medicines with Dr. Shah for a complete cure.

The above case highlights that rather than going for invasive procedures like surgical removal, Laser treatment, or freezing for Molluscum contagiosum, Homeopathy is a good choice of treatment for young children who are fearful of such painful procedures. Homeopathic medicines are painless, easy to administer to the children and treat Molluscum contagiosum at the root level effectively and safely without any side-effects.

Written by Dr. Mithila K, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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