Stress-Triggered Urticaria Treated Successfully With Dr. Shah's Research-Based Homeopathic Medicines

A 49-year-old valiant confident lady from Delhi, Mrs. R.R. (PIN: 28918) visited Life Force clinic on 8th June 2016 for the treatment of Chronic Urticaria. She was suffering from this ailment since 2015 i.e. almost one year. Her frequency of developing red hives on the body was daily and would remain the whole day until and unless she would take the anti-histamine or use the steroid-based ointment. The hives caused itching and burning sensation with pricking pain. Mrs. R.R. was in tremendous emotional pressure, and she was on the verge of divorce from the second marriage. The chronic stress triggered her Urticaria. She checked for her IgE level which was high i.e. 879 dated 15th May 2016.

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Besides Urticaria, she was suffering from Burning mouth syndrome and Fissure-in-ano.

In her family, her mother was suffering from lichen planus, who was successfully treated with Dr. Rajesh Shah's Homeopathic medicines. Her maternal aunt was suffering from breast cancer, and her uncle suffered from kidney failure.

She was fair and tall as far as her physical generals were concerned. She was non-vegetarian by diet, and her appetite was less. She craved for salty things. She was sensitive to the hot weather and was experiencing average perspiration. Her bowel and bladder habits were normal. Her menses were regular. Her sleep was disturbed due to stress, and she used to experience frightful, anxious dreams.

She was a freelance designer. Her father served for the country, as he was in the army. Her mother had also worked with paramilitary. As a child, she always felt neglected and lonely. She was staying with her mother and had a 4 years old son. She was bold, confident but also had insecurity at the back of her mind, as her second marriage too didn't work. She would lose on patience easily and get extremely angry on anyone on trifles.

Dr. Shah prescribed her Natrum Muriaticum-30 along with his research-based medicines after a detail evaluation of her case.

On 7th July 2016, the patient reported that her relief from the complaints of urticaria was better than earlier. The frequency of her complaints was as it is, but the intensity and duration of her complaints had reduced. Dr. Shah advised her on continuing with the same medicines.

She informed on 25th November 2016 that her frequency of getting hives is reduced, earlier it was on a daily basis. Now, it used to affect her once in two days. Earlier it would remain for the whole day, but now it would subside within a few hours. However, she was taking the anti-histamine.

On 18th January 2017, the patient reported that her relief from Urticaria is much better. The frequency of getting hives was reduced to once in a week, and she experienced no need to take anti-histamine for every episode. Dr. Shah was happy with the improvement, and her dose was enhanced for further improvement.

In her next follow-up, she informed on 7th March 2017 that her condition was better by 70%. However, her urticarial rashes had started to develop again on a daily basis. She was taking anti-histamine daily. Dr. Shah restudied the case and prescribed revised medicines.

On 6th June 2017, the patient happily informed that after March 2017 she didn't suffer from urticarial rashes. She experienced no major episode. Also, she didn’t experience the need to take antihistamine or steroid. She continued taking medicines for the next few months and then stopped the treatment. 

In March 2019, she again visited Life Force clinic for the treatment of another complaint and, on inquiry, it was found that she didn't experience a single episode of Urticaria in the past 1.5 years. She was completely recovered from Urticaria. Also, she was much more confident than she was earlier. Her life situations were not much changed, but the perspective to cope up with stress was changed.

Emotional stress may also manifest physically. The intricate relationship between stress and skin conditions has been documented since ancient times. And, Homeopathy is a school of medicine which encounters all the emotional, mental, and physical details of the patients and treats the disease accordingly. Homeopathic medicines act on the physical as well as emotional and mental levels and treat the disease at the root level. Homeopathy is extremely effective in treating urticaria remarkably and safely without any side-effects.

Written by Dr. Mithila K, Associate to Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D

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