90% Improvement Recovery From Crohn’s Disease Found With Homeopathic Treatment At Life Force

A 31-year-old female from Bangalore, Ms. R.C. (PIN: 27674) started treatment from Life Force in the month of January 2016 for her complaint of Crohn’s disease.  

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The patient was suffering from this disease since childhood and its discomforts and intensity were increasing gradually day-by-day. The symptoms of the disease used to start affecting her all of a sudden and would last for two to three days. Its acute episode used to occur once in a month. She was suffering from the complaint of bloating and heaviness in the stomach. The patient used to feel constipated most of the days. Constipation was alternating with diarrhea. The appetite of the patient was gradually reducing, and she was losing her weight. She was experiencing severe twisting abdominal pain during the episodes. The patient was hospitalized two to three times as the pains were very severe. Her stools were unsatisfactory. She was on conventional medicines for many years. 

Her appetite was reducing day-by-day. Her water intake was normal. She loved to eat spicy food, but it was noticed that her complaints use to aggravate after eating spicy food. Her stools were unsatisfactory and she had to strain for stools. Her sleep was normal. She was working with some research company and had work-related stress. Also, she was suffering from stress with regards to her marriage.

The patient had a history of typhoid in the past. Her mother was suffering from Hypertension, and her father had hyperlipidemia. 

After studying the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed her Nat Mur 30 and some research-based homeopathic medicines. 

There was a major change noticed in the first feedback on 22nd February 2016. She started feeling better now. The bloating and heavy feeling in her abdomen had reduced. She was no more experiencing episodes of acute pain after starting the treatment. Her appetite was improving gradually. She was feeling overall better with the medicines.

On 19th July 2016, the patient reported being further better. Her relief from the complaints was 50% better now. She had stopped taking all the conventional medicines from a few days. Even after discontinuing allopathic medicines, the patient was stable. Bloating and heaviness had reduced. Her relief from constipation was almost 50% better than earlier. Abdominal pain was not affecting her anymore. Her appetite was improving, and the patient was able to put on weight gradually. 

On 23rd February 2017, the patient reported being almost 60% to 70% better. Her recovery from all the symptoms was almost better by 70%. Her stools had almost become normal. She experienced no episode of acute abdominal pain after starting our homeopathic treatment. The patient had stopped all conventional medicines completely, and she did not experience any need to take conventional medicine for many months. 

On 9th October 2017, the patient updated that she suffered an acute episode from a few days. The patient was completely fine, but, from the past few days, her complaints had increased as she had consumed more of the outside/junk food. Her bloating and heaviness had increased. She was suffering from abdominal pain, but the intensity was less than before. On the basis of this feedback, Dr. Shah made some changes in the medicines and prescribed to the patient.

On 3rd May 2018, the patient reported being almost 80% better with her relief from the complaints. Her discomfort due to the bloating and heaviness had reduced by 80%. There were no complaints bothering the patient anymore. Her stools had become normal. She would experience an issue of acidity sometimes but with very mild intensity.

On 2nd October 2018, the patient reported being 90% better than earlier. No complaints were bothering the patient anymore. She was completely fine with the medicines. Her weight had increased than what it was earlier. All her gastric problems had subsided. The patient was overall stable and perfectly fine with the medicines. 

The patient was very happy and satisfied with the treatment and the results. She thanked Dr. Shah and the whole Life Force team for improving her health totally.

This case illustrates that homeopathy is highly effective in treating Crohn’s disease incredibly and safely without any side-effects.

Written by Dr. Kainaz, Associate doctor to Dr. Shah

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