A 5-Years-Old Girl Experiences A Complete Recovery From Asthmatic Bronchitis With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 5-years-old girl from Mumbai, Ms. H.K. (PIN: 31673) visited Life Force clinic in the month of March 2017 for the treatment of her Asthmatic Bronchitis.  

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Her parents gave a detailed medical history of the child. She was suffering from asthmatic bronchitis since birth, but, in the past two months, it had increased. She was suffering from the episodes almost twice in a month. The duration of each episode was around 4-5 days. During the episode, the child suffered from running nose and a cough. It was a barking type of cough. She was experiencing breathlessness, and the child was not able to breathe mostly at night. She had to breathe from the mouth as her nose remained blocked. Her sleep was disturbed due to her cough. She was noticed being very irritable and restless during the episodes. On examination of her chest, the wheezing sound was present. She was given conventional medicines during each episode. The nebulizer was also given to the child, as and when required. She was given homeopathic treatment in the past, but there was no improvement or relief with it. 

The patient had an average appetite. She loved to eat chocolates. It was also updated by the patient’s parents that she feels thirstier and her water intake is also more than average. All her milestones were also normal. 

She was going to school, but she often her school missed because of her complaints. She was a very stubborn child. Her parents said that she never listens to anyone and does what she likes. 
She never had any other major illnesses in the past. Her father suffered from Asthma. 

After studying the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed her Calc phos 30 and some research-based homeopathic medicines. 


On 30th October 2017, parents of the patient reported that she is gradually getting better with the medicines. The frequency of her episodes had decreased. She was experiencing the complaints less often now. The intensity of her complaints had also reduced than before. Her complaint of running nose and cough had reduced. There was no breathlessness bothering the child now. Her sleep was improving. She was required to have conventional medicines but less often now.

On 6th April 2018, parents of the patient reported that the child is almost 70% better now. The frequency and duration of her asthmatic bronchitis episodes had reduced than before. All her complaints had subsided now. There was no episode of breathlessness bothering her. She was not required to have any conventional medicines or nebulizer since the past few months. 

On 3rd September 2018, parents of the patient updated that she was fine all these days, but, since the past few days, her complaints had aggravated. She was experiencing running nose and cough. Breathlessness was also bothering her. There was a mild grade fever noticed. The intensity of her episode was less than before. She was given conventional medicines for a few days, but nebulizer was not required. On the basis of this feedback, Dr. Shah prescribed further medicines to the patient. 

On 15th March 2019, the patient was reported being perfectly fine. There were no episodes of a cold and cough affecting her from the past 6 months. She was completely better now. All her conventional medicines were stopped from the past 6 months. She was only on homeopathic medicines and was perfectly fine with it. 

Her parents thanked Dr. Shah and the whole Life Force team for helping their child to get completely better. 


This case illustrates that homeopathy is highly effective in treating asthmatic bronchitis of children successfully and safely without any side-effects. Homeopathy also helps eliminate the dependency on conventional medicines and nebulizer.

Written by Dr. Kainaz, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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