Excellent Result In Treating Epilepsy Found With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 15-year-old female, Ms. A.M. (PIN: 29593) visited Life Force on 25th   August 2016 with the complaint of Epilepsy.

She was suffering from this complaint for 5 years. She had experienced only two episodes of epilepsy to date. The first episode was in the year 2011 for 15-20 minutes, and the second episode was after 6 weeks after the first episode for 30 secs.

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During the first episode, she had experienced a sudden blackout with the unconsciousness. No tremor, twitching, or jerking was present. She was hospitalized and recovered.

In the second episode, she experienced mild tremors of forearms with no unconsciousness.

Her complaint always used to start with an aura of green light and headache, after which the episodes used to begin. The memory was retained after each episode.

The patient was on antiepileptics (Tab Oxyetal 150 mg) from the last 4 years. She had started taking the medicines in 2011 and had discontinued for 1.5 months, after which she had 1 episode of epilepsy hence she restarted with the medicines.
The past treatment for her condition included Homeopathic treatment for 4 years.

The patient was a vegetarian with a normal appetite. She had cravings for salt, sweets, and dry fruits with no particular aversions. Her stool, urine, sleep, and thirst were all normal. She was experiencing profuse offensive sweating, mostly on her palms and soles. She had a habit of nail-biting.

The patient was a student and was studying. Her father was a CA, and her mother was a homemaker. She had one brother who was 18 years old.

The patient was irritable and confident by nature. She was sincere in studies.

Her past medical history includes dengue and lipoma which was operated. In her family medical history, her father was diabetic and her paternal grandfather had asthma.

Her current weight was 33.1 kgs.

Dr. Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed her research-based medicines for every 2 months.


After four months of treatment on 26th November 2016, the patient had no complaint of epilepsy.

After 6 months of further treatment on 30th June 2017, the patient was stable with no episodes of epilepsy. No complaint of headache or weakness was present.

After the further course of treatment, her relief from the complaint was better by 90%-100%. The patient had not experienced an episode of epilepsy since the time the patient had started the treatment.

The patient is continuing the treatment with no relapse and has no complaint anymore.

This case illustrates that homeopathy controls the episodes in epileptic cases by eliminating the relapses and reduces the intensity of epilepsy. The patient can lead a normal life with no further episodes.

Written by Dr. Renuka, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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