A Sociology Lecturer From Nepal finds Complete Relief In Her Oral Lichen Planus With Homeopathy

A 57-year-old lady, Mrs. M.K.C. (LFMPL PIN: 19933) complained about the burning sensation in her mouth for the first time at month end of July 2011. She had a white coating on the tongue for more than a year. In August 2011, jointly ENT specialist, Dentist, and by the department of periodontics from Kathmandu, Nepal diagnosed her condition as oral lichen planus. The thick white coating on the tongue was initially ignored assuming that she was not giving due attention for the cleaning of her tongue. She had uneven white lacy lesions in the right and left buccal mucosa and a small light whitish patch of about 5 mm in diameter on the front surface of the tongue. She felt a moderate burning sensation while eating spicy foods and having hot drinks, so she had stopped all these foods completely. Due to the unavailability of proper medicines in Nepal, she had not taken any medicines except for using some analgesic gel, which gave her temporary relief from the pain. Her burning in the mouth started increasing, and, after clinical examination, the dentist informed her that there is an increase in her lichen planus lesions. The patient’s husband was worried about her health and, on his web search, he found the Life Force Homeopathy website. After going through all website materials and over a call consultation with Dr. Anand, a senior associate to Dr. Rajesh Shah, they opted for online treatment under Dr. Shah in November 2011. Some drugs often induce oral lichen planus, and, on inquiry, the probable reason for her lichen planus seemed to be due to intake of the Anti-hypertensive medicine Tablet. Propranolol, which is a beta-blocker and which may trigger lichen planus. It was advised to the patient to replace the anti-hypertensive medicine with other medicine.

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In 2005, she suffered from Bell's palsy, and, in 2009, she had cervical spondylitis problems that were under control with Physiotherapy. She was a known case of an underactive Thyroid and was taking Thyroid supplements for the same.


Her mother suffered from Hypothyroidism and Diabetes, and her father had a heart complaint and an under-active thyroid.


The patient was a hard-working, ambitious lady. She was a sociology lecturer by profession. According to her husband, she was very demanding and was like a leader of the family, who as a man took responsibility for the whole family. She liked eating fish and meat and felt thirsty often. She could tolerate both the cold and heat temperature after getting the thyroid problem.


After studying her case history in detail, Kali-bichromicum was prescribed to her along with Dr. Shah’s research-based molecules.



On 6th February 2012, after 4 months of treatment, the patient mentioned that she was feeling quite well in comparison to the conditions that she had endured before the treatment. She was also under close supervision by the dental department of Bir hospital at Kathmandu, wherein the dentist was aware that the patient is on Homeopathic treatment. Even, as per the dentist’s observations, her lesions had started to regress. She had itching in patches in the mouth, so it was explained to the patient that itching may be experienced even while healing. Dr. Shah prescribed the same medicines as she was responding positively.


At the end of February 2012, the patient was reviewed once again by her dentist and noted that the lesions under the tongue has healed and had sun-ray pattern keratosis in the left and right buccal mucosa. The patient was counseled, and it was explained to the patient that keratosis is considered as the response given by oral mucosa during the healing process. She was advised to continue the same medicines for further improvement.


After 8 months of treatment on 15th July 2012, the patient had experienced an improvement of around 60% - 70%. The sensation of dryness and itching in her oral cavity had reduced considerably. The size of the lesions was lesser than earlier as observed in the pictures, however, she still had a sensitivity to hot drinks but of a lesser degree.


In March 2013, the patient informed that she was better by 80%-90%. The pain, burning, and soreness due to her oral lichen planus had decreased. Her sensitivity to hot and spicy foods had also decreased. She was able to tolerate the hot, spicy food, and chilies too. However, still there was sensitivity, but it was negligible.


Later, she continued the treatment for a few more months and then stopped the treatment under Dr. Shah. After a few months, we Life Force team gave a courtesy call to her just to know how she was doing in her relief from the complaints and she happily gave the following testimonial so that her testimonial can help more and more suffering humanity and people can thereby avail the benefits of homeopathy once they see the live evidence.


Following is the testimonial is given by Mrs. M.K.C.:

Thank you very much dear all and above all Dr. Rajesh. I have been and remain very very grateful to the whole of your team for outstanding treatment. My oral LP has not emerged after 2 years of treatment. It is already 2 years and 7 months since I stopped the medicine. I have no complaint about writing to you now. Here, in Kathmandu, all of the allopathic doctors were skeptical towards Homeopathic treatment, but one skin doctor was positive towards Homeopathy. He advised us to take Homeopathic treatment. We visited AIIMS (during Dec. 2011) and they referred to the Dental section of AIIMS. But, the doctors there even did not like to listen to the very word Homeopathy. All of the doctors have the same opinion that LP is not curable but it can be controlled to a minimum level. However, I have been cured completely. I wish you all the doctors and the whole team more success in the future and shall refer other patients to your wonderful treatment. Wishing you all success in your teamwork.  - Best Regards, Mrs. M.K.C.


We, at Life Force, have worked on Lichen Planus for over three decades, and have been able to treat most cases with success by using homeopathy, which is individualized, effective, and very safe.


  • Written by Dr. Mithila K, Associate to Dr. Rajesh Shah (MD)


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