Dr. Shah’s Homeopathy Treated Asthmatic Bronchitis Of A 45-Year-Old Man Successfully

A 45-year-old male patient, Mr. V.M. (PIN: 24979) was suffering from frequent colds for more than 10 years.

He used to catch cold 3-4 times in a month. He complained of sneezing, running nose, itching in the throat, and a nose block which used to get trigged due to the exposure to dust and change in the climate. It used to get worse after the evening, in AC, after having cold drinks, and the exposure to direct draft of air. He used to take conventional medicines for the same. Now, 6 months ago, he had an attack of breathlessness, uneasiness, and congestion in the chest with a yellowish thick sputum. He approached a chest physician who diagnosed him with asthmatic bronchitis. His attack used to get worse after laughing, smelling strong odors, in the open air, and in the damp weather.

He was suggested inhalers and antihistamines. He avoided taking conventional medicines and resorted to homeopathy.

Mr. V.M. had frequent colds since childhood. He had a family medical history, where his mother had asthma and diabetes and his elder brother suffered from asthma.

He was a non-vegetarian and had an average appetite. He had a strong liking for sweets, chicken, and fish. He used to feel cold easily. He had an interrupted sleep with dreams of parents and family functions.        

Mr. V.M. was an IT manager by profession. He had two sons, and his wife was a homemaker. He said that, in childhood and in adolescence, he used to feel lonely, unhappy, and stressful. His youth years were insecure and stressful, but he was a happy person. People called him sober, clever, and anxious. He used to be irritable due to the frequent colds that would make him angry. He wanted everything in place, and, if not, then he used to shout a lot. He was sensitive and emotional, and he had tremendous anxiety and nervousness. He used to be depressed and liked to be alone. He lacked concentration and confidence in work. He was scared to express his views in front of others. On the recommendation of his friends, he approached Life Force homeopathic clinic.

Based on his entire case details, Dr. Rajesh Shah prescribed him homeopathic medicines along with his research-based molecules.


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He had regular follow-ups with Life Force. After 2 months of regular homeopathic treatment, he found a remarkable improvement in his health. The frequency of his colds had decreased and just occasional breathlessness was present. Also, he didn’t find the need for inhalers and antihistamines.

He continued the homeopathic treatment and, after 6 months, was much better.  Now, he could tolerate cold drinks as well as he no more gets affected by the direct draft of air. He could enjoy getting juicy fruits too.

He was again investigated and examined and found to be 80% better. He was very happy with his treatment and his overall health condition. The patient turned quite calm and jovial with his improvement in health.



This case highlights that homeopathy is highly effective in treating frequent colds and asthmatic bronchitis incredibly and safely without any side-effects.


  • Written by Dr. Siddiqa M., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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