Complete Recovery From Atopic Dermatitis Found In 5 Months With Homeopathy

A 36-year-old male patient, Mr. J.D.S (PIN: 26708) visited the Life Force Homeopathy clinic on 29th May 2019 with the complaints of Atopic dermatitis.


The patient was suffering from erythematous maculopapular eruptions along with severe itching and pricking pain in the chest and abdomen. His affected areas had turned reddish, and the spots were progressing in size. Also, he was experiencing profuse perspiration.


The patient was a vegetarian, and he had an average appetite. He had a craving for sour foods. The patient was intolerant to the cold weather. And, his stools were unsatisfactory.


The patient had a history of herpes affecting his thigh during his childhood age.

The patient's mother had also suffered from herpes, seborrheic dermatitis, and eczema.

As far as the patient’s mental sphere was concerned, the patient was affectionate but was short-tempered as well.

After studying his case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed homeopathic medicine to the patient.


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On his first follow-up on 10th June 2019, the patient’s complaints had aggravated mildly. He was prescribed medicines for another 2 weeks.

The patient was taking medicines regularly and was following an appropriate diet as per our recommendation.


On the next follow-up in July 2019, the patient experienced good improvement in the relief in itching.


On 18th September 2019, when the patient gave his next follow-up, he had experienced a complete recovery from atopic dermatitis. Overall, he was doing very well with the homeopathic treatment. The patient was quite happy with the treatment and continued taking homeopathy.



This case highlights that homeopathy helps in treating allergic skin conditions like atopic dermatitis successfully and safely without any side-effects. Also, homeopathy does not make the patient’s body dependent on the medicines.


(Written by Dr. Priyadarsini Puhan, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah)

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