80% Recovery From Psoriasis Found With Homeopathy At Life Force

A 59-year-old man from Andhra Pradesh, Mr. M.D. (PIN: 40367) started treatment at Life Force Bangalore clinic in June 2019 for his complaints of psoriasis. He was suffering from psoriasis for 1 year and was on conventional medications with just a temporary relief.

He had patches of psoriasis present over his neck, hand, forehead, and fingers. He was suffering from a lot of itching and scaling along with it. The patient was also using the homeopathic application of Calendula ointment.

He was also suffering from hypertension and diabetes, for which he was on conventional medication.

After studying the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed Mezereum and some research-based homeopathic medicines to the patient. A proper diet and regular application of a moisturizer were also advised along with our medicines to the patient.


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At the first follow-up in August 2019, the patient was about 60% better than earlier, and the spread of the patches over his neck and hand had slowed down.


In September 2019, the patient reported that he no more experienced itching and redness now.  Spreading was at the site of previously affected areas from one month. The patient had much relief in his complaints. The patient was happy, and his skin was completely better than earlier.


In November 2019, the patient was feeling 90% better in the relief in the old spots, and his patches were healing. He was overall improving. The spread was there only at palm and fingertips.


In February 2020, 80% of the spreading of patches over the neck and hand had stopped. No scaling and no rashes were present. The progress of the recovery from the disease was very good. The patient is happily continuing treatment at Life Force hoping maximum to complete recovery from psoriasis. The patient was very thankful to the Life Force team.



This case illustrates that homeopathy is a very effective and safe treatment for skin diseases.  In skin eruptions, like that of psoriasis which is an autoimmune disease, we do have very good treatment without any side-effect.

  • Written by Dr. Rashmi D., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah


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