Complete Relief In Pain Of Trigeminal Neuralgia With Homeopathy At Life Force

A female patient, Mrs. G. (PIN: 38662) registered online with Life Force Homeopathy on 26th November 2018 for the treatment of her complaints of Trigeminal Neuralgia. Her complaints of trigeminal neuralgia had started in 2013. She was suffering from left-sided face pain, which would start from the jaw and radiate to the chin, ear, nose, and, finally, the left side of her head. She was experiencing electric-shock-like pain which would last for 1-2 seconds. The intensity of her pain was increasing, and it would turn worse in the winter. Her trigeminal neuralgia pain would get triggered after washing the face, brushing, blowing, and eating.

She had undergone surgery for it in 2013. Before surgery, her pain would last for 5-10 min with a break of 1-2 min in between. After surgery, within 4 months, her complaints had started again. She had started suffering from the pain for 5-10 min. So, she started Allopathic Medicines, namely Tab Zenoxa 600 1 tab in the morning and Tab. Gabantip 1 tab at night. Now, her pain was lasting for 1-2 sec. 

She was a vegetarian and liked eating spicy food. She had dreams of ghosts and robbery.

After a detailed study and analysis of her case, the patient was prescribed research-based medicines by Dr. Shah.

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At her first follow-up on 13th February 2019, the patient reported that, after starting homeopathic medicines, she did not get any attacks. She was still taking her Allopathic medicines, namely Tab Zenoxa 600 1 tab daily in the morning and Tab Gabantip 1 tab at night.

At her second follow-up on 2nd April 2019, the patient reported that she is just experiencing numbness and no pain at all. She was feeling much better after starting with homeopathic medicines. She had reduced her allopathic medicines dose also. Now, she was taking Tab Zenoxa 600 just ½ tab once daily since and Tab. Gabantip 1 tab at night.

On 5th October 2019, she reported that she did not get any attacks of pain after starting homeopathic treatment. She was feeling 100% better. She was asked to take her Allopathic medicines now on alternate days.

In January 2020, her allopathic medicines were further reduced to once in 4 days. She experienced no further pain attacks.

The patient is very happy with the treatment she received at Life Force. She is pain-free now and slowly her allopathic medicines are also been withdrawn.



This case study illustrates that homeopathy offers miraculous results in relief from Trigeminal Neuralgia. Even after surgery, the patient did not get any relief, but, with Homeopathy, the patient is completely pain-free without any side-effects.

  • Written by Dr. Shilpa Vanarase, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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