A 6-Year-Old Girl Child With Molluscum Contagiosum Recovered Fully With Homeopathy

A 6-year-old girl child, Ms. A.S.H. visited Sassoon Branch of Life Force Homeopathy on 16th October 2018 with the complaints of Molluscum Contagiosum. She had the complaints of the development of small white pearly eruptions on the right eye, left buttock, and both the thighs. She was not suffering from any itching or burning.

After studying her case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed her appropriate homeopathic medicines.


On 21st November 2018, her eruptions on the right eye had vanished, but the eruptions on her buttock and thighs were as it is. 

On 20th January 2019, the eruptions on her body had increased. A new eruption had appeared on her left cheek, as her father applied FM Derma ointment (Fluticasone Topical and Mupirocin Topical – and it was advised not to use this ointment).

On 25th March 2019, the patient reported no eruptions, and all her eruptions had disappeared completely. 

In June 2019, again eruptions appeared on her left thigh in the last 1 month. 

In August 2019, the patient reported that just 1 eruption was left on her left thigh. Rest all her eruptions had disappeared. 

On 17th March 2020, the patient's father said that she no more had any eruptions since August 2019.
The patient's parents are very happy with the treatment she received at Life Force. 

This case illustrates that Homeopathy is very effective in treating Viral infections, such as Molluscum Contagiosum, wherein allopathy does not have any cure. Homeopathy is completely safe for kids, and it treats molluscum contagiosum in children successfully and without any side-effects.


-Written by Dr. Shilpa Vanarase, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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