Remarkable Improvement In Autistic Patient With Homeopathy

A 4-year-old male patient, Mast. P.T. (PIN: 40505) visited Life Force Homeopathy along with his parents with the complaints of Autism on 23rd June 2019.

His parents had observed the symptoms of autism 1 year back, but his condition was diagnosed as Autism for 6 months now.

He was taking some Brain tonics (Syp Nootropil and Syp Cognicare) and following Occupational and speech therapies.

His symptoms were hyperactivity, difficulty in understanding anything, repeating words or phrases, eye contact was present but less than normal, had underdeveloped fine motor skills (can’t chew food and can't sip fluids). He had the fear of loud sound. He used to get angry if he was not given anything. He was stubborn and threw tantrums. He was possessiveness with objects (Toy). There was intellectual impairment (he used to take a lot of time to learn new things) noted. Also, language impairment (Vocabulary 50% according to his age) was noted. He was unresponsive to teaching (Took time to learn). He used to scream and shout out of proportion and do repetitive movements (Spins continuously at least 3-4 times a day). He had the fear of Dark and Heights.

He was a vegetarian with diminished appetite. He had no specific likes or dislikes related to food.

After a detailed analysis of the case, Dr. Shah prescribed research-based medicines to the patient.

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At the first follow-up on 16th August 2019, the patient’s mother said there was a 20% improvement in him. His understanding and eye contact had improved. The practice of repeating words had reduced. His fear of sound had reduced. His habit of throwing tantrums and possessiveness reduced. The patient’s vocabulary had improved. But, screaming and shouting was as it is. His spinning habit was as it is, and the fear of dark and height was as it is.

His brain tonics were stopped (Syp Nootropil and Syp Cognicare). Occupational and speech therapy continued.

On 4th October 2019, the patient’s mother said all his symptoms were as it is. No further improvement was observed but screaming had increased.

On 24th December 2019, the patient’s mother said that there is a 40% improvement in the patient’s well-being. His repetitive behavior had reduced, as he did not repeat words much now. Also, he was able to sip fluids through a straw and chew some foods. His screaming had reduced, and the fear of sound had reduced.

On 11th February 2020, the patient’s mother said that there is a 60% improvement in the child’s well-being. His screaming had reduced, as he rarely screamed now, anger had reduced by 60%, and spinning had reduced. He had developed good bowel/bladder control now, as he does on its own. His concentration had improved, as he was following instructions now. His language improved, as he had started speaking sentences without mistakes now. He had no fear of dark, heights, or sound anymore. His hyperactivity had also reduced by 60%. Involuntary laughing had reduced by 90%. His memory improved, and his eye contact also improved, as he rarely ignored now.

On 15th April 2020, the patient’s mother said that he was 70% better. His anger had reduced. He was no more doing the spinning movement, even if he would spin, he would stop when asked to. He had developed good bowel and bladder control. His concentration had improved and was good. His hyperactivity had further reduced and he started mixing with the peers now. His speech was much better now. He understands easily now when something is told to him.

The patient's parents are very happy with the development of their child and are continuing treatment for further recovery.


This case illustrates that Autism can be controlled, and we can observe great positive changes in children with mild Autism with Homeopathy if it is given parallel along with occupational and speech therapy.

  • Written by Dr. Shilpa Vanarase, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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