Case Of Cyst Treated With Homeopathy Effectively Without Any Surgery

A 43-year-old male patient, Mr. K.S. (PIN: 32978) visited Life Force Homeopathy with the complaints of Cyst on 29th July 2017.
He had it 3-4 years back, but, with Homeopathic treatment, it had subsided; however, it again relapsed after 1 year.
The cyst was present on his lower back. It was singular approximately 2 cm in size. It was soft to touch. The patient was not experiencing any pain, tenderness, or bleeding.  Sometimes, there was a white offensive discharge from it.
He was a non-vegetarian and had cravings for sweets, and he disliked spicy food. 
By nature, he was impatient, short-tempered, and had high expectations from others. He was a perfectionist in cleanliness, discipline, and hygiene. He used to get irritable if anyone contradicts him. 

After analyzing the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed research-based medicines to the complaints.
On 13th September 2017, the patient said that there was no change, and the size of the cyst was as it is. The discharge from cyst was occurring occasionally.
On 25th December 2017, the patient mentioned that the size of the cyst was as it is and had offensive discharge from it once in the last month after pressing it. 
On 8th May 2018, the patient reported that the cyst ruptured in the last month, and there was white offensive discharge. In 2 days, his cyst was flat, but, again after 4-5 days, it reappeared with a reduced size.
On 1st September 2018, he reported that the new cyst ruptured naturally. The white offensive discharge occurred in large quantities that lasted for 3 days, and the size was now 70% reduced.
On 1st November 2018, the patient said that the last batch of medicines worked very well, and, now, the size of the cyst was only 10% remaining. A lot of white discharge, somewhat thick, came whenever pushed in the last one month.
On 19th June 2018, he said that his cyst was almost 90% reduced, and there is no discharge from it.
On 8th September 2018, the patient said the cyst was almost reduced. He had no major complaints anymore. 

The patient is very happy with the results. he did not have any hope at the beginning of the treatment, and he took treatment only on his mother’s insistence. But, now he is glad that he opted for Homeopathy and could avoid surgery. 

This case illustrates that Homeopathy can work miraculously in treating cases where Allopathy suggests only surgery. This is one such case where, without any surgery, the cyst was treated effectively only with Homeopathic medicines. 

-Written by Dr. Shilpa Vanarase, Associate Doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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