Prolapse Of Rectum Relieved Completely In 1 Year With Homeopathy

Prolapse of Rectum:
Rectal prolapse is a discomforting medical condition where the rectum, which is the last part of your large intestine, begins to push through the anus, which is the opening from which the stool exists from the body. 

A 5-year-old male patient, Master S.G. (PIN: 38673) visited Life Force Homeopathy with the complaints of Prolapse of Rectum on 26th November 2019. 
His rectum used to come out of the anus while defecation daily. It was reducible (when pushed it used to go back to its position). He was suffering from these complaints for 1 year. 

He was a vegetarian and liked to eat chocolates and spicy food. 

After analyzing the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed research-based medicines for the prolapse of the rectum to the patient.


On the first follow-up on 8th January 2020, there was no change in his condition. 

On the second follow-up on 24th February 2020, his father reported that there was a 50% improvement in his relief in the condition. Now, the prolapse occurred just 1 or 2 times a week. 

On 16th May 2020, the frequency of prolapse had increased to 3-5 days a week. 

On 20th July 2020, the frequency of prolapse had again reduced to 1-2 times a week. 

On 3rd September 2020, the frequency of prolapse had reduced further, now prolapse was occasionally.

On 1st November 2020, there was no episode of prolapse in the last one and a half months.

The patient's parents are very happy with the treatment received at Life Force. 


This case highlights that homeopathy works wonders even in treating surgical cases like Prolapse of the rectum in kids. Homeopathy provides immense relief in rectal prolapse incredibly and safely without any side-effects.

-Written by Dr. Shilpa Vanarase, Associate Doctor to Dr. Shah. 

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