A Steroid-Dependent Lichen Planus Patient Found Incredible Relief With Homeopathy

A 33-year-old female patient, Mrs. B.S. (PIN: 43248) visited Life Force and started homeopathic treatment for the complaint of her lichen planus in June 2020.


She was suffering from it for one year. The lesions of lichen planus were present on her hands, legs, and waist. She was experiencing very intense itching in the lesions. Hyperpigmented marks were observed on her skin. She was using oral and local application of steroids for the past entire year. Whenever she tried to reduce the dose of steroids, she noticed new lesions on the skin. The patient was very anxious about her illness.


Her appetite was average. The patient had cravings for sour and salty foods. Her thirst for water was average. Her sleep was refreshing.


The patient was a housewife. She was staying with her husband and child. Her son was 4 years old. No stress as such was noticed in her life. She was mild and sensitive. 


She had no medical history of any other major illness in the past. Also, no history of any major illness was present in her family.


After studying the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed some research-based homeopathic medicines along with some dietary tips to the patient. The patient was also informed about tapering the dose of steroids and not stopping it all of a sudden as it can increase the disease.



At the first follow-up on 31st July 2020, the patient reported that there was a mild improvement with the medicines. The itching had reduced than before. A few new lesions were present on the thighs as she was reducing the dose of steroids gradually, but, overall, she was stable with the medicines. She was also advised to have certain vitamin supplements along with the medicines.


On 30th October 2020, the patient reported that she was further better with the medicines. Her relief in the complaints was almost 50% better now. The itching was very minimal. No new lesions had developed. The hyper-pigmentation marks were still present, but the healing of active lesions was better. She had stopped taking allopathic medicines for a month and she was only on homeopathy. The patient was very happy with the progress.


On 3rd February 2021, there was more improvement with the medicines. The itching was very negligible now. The spread of the disease was completely under control. She was overall stable with the medicines.


On 10th June 2021, the patient updated that she was almost 80%-90% better in her relief in the complaints. She no more experienced itching on the skin. There was no spread of the disease. The active lesions had subsided, and only hyperpigmented marks were remaining on the skin. Also, they were getting lighter day by day. She experienced a great recovery from lichen planus with homeopathic medicines.


The patient thanked Dr. Shah and the whole Life Force team for treating her and eliminating her dependency on steroids. She is still under treatment to get completely recovered from her disease.



This case illustrates that homeopathy is highly effective in treating lichen planus incredibly and safely without any adverse effects.



  • Written by Dr. Kainaz, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah
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