Homeopathy Offered Immense Relief To A Homemaker Suffering From Recurrent Episodes Of Sinusitis

A 44-year-old lady, Mrs. S.P. (PIN: 37283) visited the Life Force Homeopathy clinic on 3rd July 2018 for the treatment of her complaints of sinusitis. She was suffering from the condition for the past 3-4 years, and the frequency and intensity of her symptoms were increasing gradually day by day. She would experience the sinusitis episode each time she would have a head bath or applied oil. Also, she would suffer from an episode whenever the weather would change or when she would get exposed to the cold air. She would get symptoms such as a runny nose, nose block, heaviness and throbbing pain in the forehead, and pricking pain in the cheekbones (that’s where the maxillary sinuses are present). Besides this, she had asthmatic bronchitis episodes for the past 3 years and was on Foracort 200 inhaler once in 15 days. Due to all these health issues, she used to feel tired all the time.

The detailed case taking revealed that she was a vegetarian and occasionally ate eggs. She had a sweet tooth. Her water intake was around 1 liter a day. She tends to sweat easily on her face and could not tolerate extremes of hot or cold temperatures.

As she was nearing her menopause, her menses were getting delayed by 15-20 days. The patient was experiencing pain in her legs and headache before her menses. She had a single full-term normal delivery 15 years back.

The patient was a homemaker and was staying with her husband, daughter, and father-in-law. She had cordial relations with her family members. She also had good memories of her childhood and her parents. Her father had expired 9 months back, and, hence, she was sad due to it. Otherwise, she was a mild, gentle, honest, and friendly person who believed in completing the work the same day. She used to get irritated if her daughter did not pay adequate attention to her studies.

Her father had a history of bronchial asthma, whereas her mother had cancer and diabetes mellitus.

After a detailed case analysis, Dr. Shah prescribed his research-based medicine along with homeopathic medicine Pulsatilla 200 to the patient.

She was also guided for following the proper diet and self-care tips to manage her sinusitis.

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In her first follow-up after 6 weeks, she revealed that her relief in the complaints was better by 50%. She no more experienced the sinusitis episodes after having head-baths. Her relief from runny nose, nose block, and cough was better. In the past 1 month, while she was following our homeopathic treatment, her relief in allergic bronchitis was also better. She did not have to take the Foracort 200 inhaler. However, just before the follow-up, she had cold milk which triggered the episode of sinusitis.

In her second follow-up in September 2018, the patient reported an increase in the complaints of runny nose and dry cough, as she had suffered from an episode of typhoid fever. But, her relief in the headache had improved. The frequency of use of Foracort 200 Inhaler had also increased and she had to take it 4-5 times during her typhoid fever. Dr. Shah made some revisions to the prescription.

In the subsequent follow-ups, her relief in the complaints of runny nose, nose block, heaviness of head, headache, and pain in the cheeks kept on improving. Also, her relief in the complaint of asthmatic bronchitis was a lot better. Her energy levels improved. She no longer felt weakness that she had complained at the start of the treatment. She decided to take a break from the treatment and was better for a year.

On 22nd August 2020, she experienced a relapse of her sinusitis headache due to the rainy weather. This time, she only complained of headaches. She no more was experiencing nose, nose block, or cough. Dr. Shah reviewed her symptoms and prescribed medicines to the patient accordingly.

In the subsequent follow-ups, her health continued to improve and was up to 75% better.

She again developed an episode of mild sinusitis on 12th June 2021 due to being in an air-conditioned environment. Her medicines were revised, and she is continuing the medicines with improvement in her health.


This case illustrates that recurring conditions, such as sinusitis, can be effectively managed with homeopathic medicines. Timely homeopathic treatment helps in reducing the frequency and intensity of recurrence. Also, homeopathic treatment helps reduce the dependency on conventional medicines. Homeopathic medicines are non-habit-forming and do not cause any side effects.

If you or your loved ones are suffering from sinusitis it is the right time to start the treatment.

Click on the link below to read more success stories of Sinusitis treated at Life Force.

Click on the link below if you wish to chat with our doctors for more information about starting with treatment at Life Force Homeopathy

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