Homeopathy Proved Incredibly Effective In Treating Urticaria Successfully And Eliminating Drug Dependency

A 47-year-old male patient, Mr. Aryan (name changed) (PIN: 25706) visited Life Force and started homeopathic treatment for the complaint of his Chronic Urticaria on 16th May 2015.

He was suffering from chronic urticaria for four years. Urticarial rashes with the complaints of itching on the scalp, without eruptions, were spreading all over the body gradually. The major locations of the rashes were the back, arms, legs, palms, chest, face, & eyelids which were accompanied by the swelling of the lips. He was suffering from these miserable symptoms of urticaria for the past four years.

He was constantly on corticosteroids and anti-histamines for the past couple of years for his urticarial symptoms. However, there was no improvement in his relief from the condition. It was like a daily routine for him to have his pills of anti-histamines & corticosteroids. Without the intake of these medicines, he used to experience a sensation of heat all over the body followed by urticarial hives and rashes. Because of the chronicity of his complaints, he experienced hyperpigmentation over his face and arms. The patient was highly anxious about his condition.


Physical Generals:

The patient’s appetite was good. He had cravings for fruits & fish. The patient’s thirst was excessive, and he used to gulp a large quantity of water at once. He mentioned that he didn’t sleep peacefully due to the discomforts of urticaria in the past 6 months. Because of this, he experienced unrefreshing sleep. Drowsiness was persistent due to the same reason, even while talking.


Psychological Generals and Family Make-Up:

He had no stress as such in his family life. The patient used to stay with his elder brother and the whole family. He was happy and contented in his life.

The patient was a professor of organic chemistry, and he had been a Ph.D. degree holder in Organic chemistry.


Medical History:

The patient had no medical history of any major illness in his life.


At Life Force:

After a detailed case taking, Dr. Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed research-based homeopathic medicines along with nutritional corrections. The patient was also informed to taper off the doses of corticosteroids & anti-histamines slowly and not stop them all of a sudden as it can cause an increase in the disease symptoms and might lead to some other complications.



On 26th June 2015, when the patient reported for his first follow-up, he had experienced a reduction in the frequency in itching, pain, and appearance of hives. He had experienced a mild overall improvement in the relief from the skin condition. He mentioned that the good relief improved his quality of life. The relief from itching had also improved.


On 12th August 2015, the patient reported an improvement in his overall condition by 50%. By now, he had stopped using prednisolone medicines. Tapering off the dose was done by having it once in 3 days, while previously the patient used to have the medicine once a day daily compulsorily. By the second follow-up, there was a complete reduction in the swelling of the eyes.


On 13th November 2015, there was more improvement noticed in his healing with the homeopathic medicines. The itching and appearance of hives had reduced by 80%. The itching was negligibly low now. The spread of disease was under control. He was overall stable with the medicines.


On 8th May 2016, the patient updated that he was almost 90% to 95% better in his relief in the complaints. He no more experienced itching on the skin. There was no spread of the disease. The active lesions had subsided, and merely hyperpigmented marks were remaining on the skin. Also, they were getting lighter day by day. He experienced a great recovery from urticaria with homeopathic medicines. By this time, the patient was off the anti-histamines and corticosteroid medicines completely.

The patient thanked Dr. Shah and the whole Life Force team for treating him and eliminating his dependency on steroids. He is still under treatment to get completely recovered from his disease.



This case illustrates that homeopathy is highly effective in treating Urticaria incredibly and safely without any adverse effects.

  • Written by Dr. Anjali Singh, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah, MD


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