Very high TSH reduces without using thyroid supplement in short time.

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TSH Reports

Ms. A.A. (Pin L-11542) was referred to the clinic, by her friend who was cured of urticaria. Ms A.A., 41 years of age was suffering with symptoms of Menopausal Syndrome. She had no menses since 4 months. She reported to have bilateral ovarian cysts with cervical erosion. She complained of occasional abdominal discomfort, restlessness and fatigue. There was no maternal history of early menopause. Women in her household attained menopause after the age of 45. This made her more anxious as to the absence of her menses.

She had vague body pains. Her sleep was extremely disturbed and she would often feel unrefreshing in the morning. She reported of early morning swelling under the eyes. There was hairfall, she was losing around 70-100 strands a day.

She was a vegetarian with a good appetite. She was sensitive to cold climate. Her thirst, urine and stools were normal. On further probing, she revealed since 6 months her husband was in Indonesia for business. The responsilibities mounted on her and it became difficult for her to manage things single handedly. She was very anxious for her son, as he had little interest in studies.

There was history of hypothyroid and diabetes in the family.

Dr Shah advised a thyroid test for Mrs A.A and it came out to be positive. Her TSH was 44.50 (normal range is 0.35-4.94). Ms A. A. was scared and did not want to be on supplements for lifetime.

She was prescribed Silica 200 in varying doses and Dr Shah’s research based medicines for Menopausal Syndrome and hypothyroidism. Mrs A. A. insisted on repeating the thyroid test for her in 1 month. The test result showed the TSH to be 14.59. She got her menses for the first time after a gap of 4 months. She was relieved.

The medicines were continued. In 8 weeks, she reported of the body pain reduced by 30%. The under eye swelling was relatively less. Her hairfall had reduced. She started getting her menses regularly every month after starting with homeopathic treatment. Her anxiety reduced remarkably. The restlessness and fatigue got better.

She is under the care of Dr Shah for regulating the TSH levels and monitoring her for the Menopausal syndrome.

This case illustrates that homeopathy works extremely well in Underactive thyroid to stimulate the functioning of the thyroid gland at the optimum level, without the help of external thyroid supplements. Homeopathy has the potential in restoring the natural body processes.

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