Steroids stopped, Asacol reduced with homeopathy, with no relapse of the colitis.

A 14 yr old young short statured, lean boy named Master G.V (Patient ref no.L-10697) reported to the clinic with his parents with complaints of ulcerative colitis since 2 ½ yrs. He had been diagnosed as having rectal proctitis through renal biopsy and sigmoidoscopy suggested ulcerative colitis.

He had loose motions 6-7 times per day with blood, along with pain in abdomen. The stools were watery, semisolid and sticky in nature. There was no control over the stools and he had to rush to toilet. Post the stools there was an unsatisfactory feeling with tremendous weakness.

He was on Asacol 12 tabs/day, wysolone and mesacol enema.
with IV cyclosporine but he had no relief with these treatments.

He had occasional complaints migraine c/o which used to get better on reducing steroid intake with H/O severe anemia. and osteopenia since child hood.

He was weak was often ill with low appetite. There was a marked craving for milk. He had profuse sweating on the head and would not bear hot weather.

He was restless during sleep with continuous waking up due to crampy pain in abdomen.

His mother described him as obstinate in nature, irritable, short tempered and reserved. He had constant conflicts with his father. He was so sensitive that he used to get hurt when his parents told him to follow instructions related to his diet, inorder that he gains weight.

Based on the above complaints Dr Shah prescribed him Nat mur 200. He started showing improvement in 4 weeks. The frequency of stools reduced to 3-4 times/day. The pain in abdomen reduced considerably. His dependency on Asacol reduced to 8 tabs/day In his next follow up he was prescribed Nat mur 1 M which showed a drastic change with the colitis. In 4 months, the frequency of stools was reduced to 1-2/day. There was no blood in stools. He was settled on asacol 2tabs/day now. There was no pain in abdomen. His appetite started improving.

In 8 months his weight improved by 4 kgs. There was no relapse of the colitis.

He is under the care of Dr Shah and is continuing with the treatment for best results with homeopathy.

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