He never had the hives again....

G. K., (Pin Number-L-10344) 34 year old male consulted Dr Shah for treatment of his chronic urticaria.

He was troubled with the urticaria since 2 to 3 years.

There were extensive rashes all over his body and face, there would be tremendous itching, it would get maddening for him, such that he had the sensation as if the skin is falling apart. The hives generally showed up at night and lasted for around 40 minutes to an hour, but this period would get horrible for him.

Routine activities like exercises or climbing stairs, eating food, which raise the Basal Metabolic Rate and increase the body temperature, would flare up his rashes. Also, whenever he was angry or had any other strong emotions, he would experience sudden rise in the hives.

He was on Bethametasone and Allegra for his urticaria. He also resorted to homeopathy and ayurvedic treatments on and off but to no avail of relief.

His appetite had reduced since 2-3 months, he was feeling weak He was also addicted to cigarette smoking atleast 10 per day. He hardly would sweat and had an intolerance to heat. His sleep used to be very disturbed. Every night he would wake up with severe itching.

He was staying with his mother, father and sister. His sister was diagnosed with schizophrenia and his parents always had conflicts, due to which they separated. He grew up with his relatives and was completely bereft of the love of his parents throughout his adolescence. It was only in his teens that things got a little better and his parents came together. During his entire schooling, he was very mischievious and was a brat.

G. K. was an extrovert, would love interacting, he was extremely loquacious, but intelligent as well. Since he was bereft of the love of his parents, he would keep pets in the house for his company. He was a paragliding pilot, but due to his urticaria, his movements got restricted and he was unable to fly. This lead him to depression. He also used to get very short tempered because of his urticaria.

In his family, his mother had diabetes, father had hypertension and urticaria and grandmother had leukaemia.

After doing his complete case study, Dr Shah prescribed the appropriate homeopathic medicine to him along with certain research based medicines.

In 8 weeks to G. K.’s surprise there was 95% of improvement. He had started improving with the first dose of the medication. The hives had almost disappeared. In around 3 months time, there were no episodes of urticaria and the patient was extremely happy. We continued his medicines for sometime, to avoid recurrence. His anxiety and anger reduced as the Urticaria got treated.

Today he is a much more happy and calm person.

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