My son's vitiligo is cured within one year with Dr Shah's homeopathy..

Nine years old, boy Master A.J. [PIN 10209] reported to the center with his parents for the treatment of Vitiligo.

vitiligo on mouth

He was affected by Vitiligo for the last six months.
He had vitiligo spots on the lips and near the chin.
They were prominently visible and the family was very disturbed due to it.

His father was a manager and his mother was a veterinary doctor.

There was no family history of Vitiligo.

He had developed these patches suddenly in a few weeks. They were spreading slowly.

They consulted a dermatologist and started with prednisone and cortisone creams.

Since his mother was a vet, she knew about the potential side effects of steroids and she searched on the net for alternatives.

She learned about Life Force and Dr Rajesh Shah. They consulted Dr Shah for Homeopathic treatment.

His case details were taken into detail.

He was a cheerful boy, he was inquisitive and alert, he was social and mixing.

He was very protective of his younger brother. They would play and make fun.

His mother said that he was also sensitive by nature. If he was reprimanded in front of his younger brother than he would become adamant.

He could not be cheated; he would want a full and logical explanation.

He loved drawing, painting, he was much attached to his pet dog.

He was good in studies.
He had a craving for spicy and chili food.
He liked ice-creams, cold drinks and fish.

His paternal grandfather had suffered from cancer of the lungs.

Dr Shah consulted the child and also examined him under the woods lamp. Luckily he did not have vitiligo anywhere else.

Dr Shah prescribed the remedy Carcinosin for the child.

The spread stopped definitively in eight weeks. In around four months, the patch showed re-pigmentation in the margins.

Gradually the patch filled completely.

In one year, the child showed complete recovery.

Even the spots on the lips re-pigmented.

This family has referred many patients to our center.
The remarkable thing was there unquestioning faith In Dr Shah and in Homeopathy.

This child was given the remedy in different potencies as the case demanded.

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