Atopic dermatitis since the age of 6 months. She would develop reddish eruptions all over the body and these would be more severe on the cheeks and legs.

This is the case of Baby. P. K (Patient Ref. No. S-5383) one and a half year old female child who was brought to the clinic with complains of Atopic dermatitis since the age of 6 months. She would develop reddish eruptions all over the body and these would be more severe on the cheeks and legs. There was severe itching and she would become very irritable on account of the same. Her complaints would get worse during the winter season and at night. She would feel better by application of warm water on the affected parts and also by covering the affected parts.

Along with these, there was history of recurrent colds since childhood. She would develop cold and cough, every 2-3 weeks.

There was marked desire for sweets, cold-drinks, ice-creams and fruits. Her sweat was less than normal. Usually, she was more comfortable in the cold climate. She was a lean child by constitution.

The peculiar mental traits were that she was an obstinate child with marked fear of darkness and of loud noise. She loved music, dancing and going out. She did not like to be caressed but otherwise was of a very mixing and playful nature.

There was a strong history of bronchial asthma and eczema in the family. Family history also included vitiligo and hypertension. The patient had taken allopathic as well as Ayurvedic treatment in the past, but with little relief.

Based on these features she was prescribed Graphites 200 for the Atopic dermatitis. Within 8 months of treatment, her tendency to develop these skin eruptions was markedly better. She would get the lesions only occasionally and they would not even require treatment at times. The itching was effectively controlled and so were the attacks of frequent cold and cough.

This case shows that Atopic dermatitis (and similar allergic disorders) can be effectively controlled with homeopathic medicines without the use of external applications of any kind. It cures the condition from within and restores the deviated immunity of the individual back to normalcy.

Remarks: This case speaks of the success of homeopathy in treating chronic and deep seated skin ailments like Atopic dermatitis, with a modern and wise approach, whereby it works wonders and brings about cure in the most safe and gentle manner.

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