Dr. Shah’s medications cured my Recurrent Bronchitis.

63 years aged, Mrs. S. R. (Patient Identification Number - 9324) visited Life Force on 30th January 2007. She was accompanied by her daughter. Her daughter had found information about Dr. Shah through the internet and she had brought her mother for treatment of Recurrent Bronchitis. Mrs. S. R. was suffering from recurrent bronchitis since 6 months. She had 3 episodes so far, lasting for 15 days of a month. It had started when she had traveled in an Air Conditioner bus. It would start with sneezing and yellowish thick discharge. She would then develop chest congestion with yellowish thick and difficult expectoration. She also had headache. She would feel restless and lethargic. Her appetite would decrease. She also had watering of eyes. The cough would increase at night and lying down. She would feel better by sitting up straight. Conventional medicines wouldn't suit her and so she did not take it.

Her diet was vegetarian. She preferred salty food. Her thirst was average. She was sensitive to warm temperature. She had attained menopause 10 years ago. She had two daughters and a son.

She was a home maker. Her husband had retired from a petroleum company. Her son and daughter in law were into finance management in different companies.

She was reserved and religious. She would get easily hurt and was emotional. She would often read religious books. Five years ago she was operated for retinal detachment and cataract.

She was prescribed Pulsatilla Nigra 200c along with few research based medicines by Dr. Shah.

She visited on 9th March and reported significant relief. Her cough had recovered within 1 week of the medications. She did not have any cough after that. The headache and weakness had also relieved. Her appetite had improved.

She reported after a year in March 2008. She was completely relieved of her recurrent bronchitis for the entire year. Presently, she had visited for complaints of joint pain and body ache. Her sleep would be disturbed due to pain. She wished to start the treatment for this and was confident of getting relieved with Dr. Shah’s medications.

Uploaded on 18th September 2013 by Dr. M. N. P.

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A 63 years old female, Mrs. S.N (Pin No. 15229) visited our centre on 18th December 2010 for the complaints of Rheumatoid Arthritis and hair fall. She had these complaints since February 2006, which was being managed by pain killers and methotrexate. In June 2010, she faced a severe relapse in th.....Read more

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