Early introduction of homeopathy cuts short urticaria and facilitates good healing.

A tall, lean, 49 years old Mr. V. K. P. (PIN NO - 14828) found cure for his severe complaints of Urticaria with homeopathic medicines. He had developed Urticaria since 6-8 months. He visited our centre on 13th September 2010.

He had been taking antihistaminic medicines, but was not satisfied with it. He then decided to start with homeopathy for long lasting relief.

He had observed wheat, tur dal (pulses), milk, egg, added preservatives and mineral water to be the triggering factors of his hives. Stress was also a factor for the increase of his Urticaria.

In his personal history – he had dislike for sour and sweets.

He was serving in a ship building workshop as an executive. His wife was a yoga teacher. His only son was studying designing in another city.

He was anxious and had an irritable temperament. In the past he had some stress, but now he was contented and satisfied. He was sensitive to hurt if cheated upon.

In family history his mother and brother had osteoarthritis.

His case was studied by Dr. Shah and he was prescribed Kali Iodatum 200c as a constitutional remedy and some research based medicines.

On 25th October 2010, in the first follow he reported considerable improvement. The intensity of Urticaria had reduced and the hives had become mild. The antihistaminic dose was reduced to half tablet once a week.

After another 6 weeks on 2nd December 2010 there was remarkable improvement. He felt almost 75% better. The rashes would occur in mild form. The antihistaminic was completely stopped. His case was reviewed by Dr. Shah and his prescription was upgraded.

This case demonstrates that early introduction of homeopathy in Urticaria cuts short the disease and facilitates good healing, in a short span of time. Food allergies (hypersensitivities) are also addressed by homeopathic medicines with equal efficacy.

Uploaded on 14th February 2012 by Dr. Megha

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