Mrs. R.U.H aged 54 years observed 90 % improvement in her Lichen Planus eruptions in 6 months treatment and she was relieved that finally, she was on the path of cure...

Mrs. R.U.H aged 54 years (Patient Identification Number 16664) visited the clinic on 8 August 2011 for the treatment of Lichen Planus. She was suffering from Lichen Planus since last one year. She was prescribed local steroids by her dermatologist; however there was no significant relief.

Mrs. R.U.H presented with reddish purple colored eruptions mostly on the neck and hands. These eruptions were very itchy. The itching was more at night. The itching was more when she was exposed to the draft of air, and while undressing especially at night. The itching was followed with bleeding and oozing occasionally. She also had hyper-pigmented marks left on the hands and abdomen which were secondary to the LP lesions in those areas in the past.

She had mild Lichen Planus lesions on her hands and abdomen and had active lesions on face but she was very anxious due to the complaints as she was correlating it as being a precancerous condition. In the past she was treated by a dermatologist, however new spots kept coming up. Her main inquiry before starting the treatment was about the recurrences and the post LP hyper-pigmented spots. She was assured that homeopathy will be very useful to stop the recurrences and heal the existing spots and to reduce the hyper-pigmentation. She was reassured that skin LP is not related to cancer. Her case was studied in detail. She was a vegetarian and her appetite was good. She had craving for sour food. Her urine and bowel habits were normal. Thermally she was more tolerant to cold; she couldn’t tolerate heat. She had excessive perspiration.

Her sleep was sound and refreshing. She had attained menopause two years ago.

She was short and lean framed.

She was a House wife and her husband was a banker. Her two sons were working in Bangalore and she was residing with her husband in Hubli. She was very affectionate and attached to her children. After they shifted to Bangalore for their jobs, she felt lonely. She would worry for their well being. She would miss them a lot. She described her nature as very straight forward and she could not tolerate any one finding faults with her. Her father was a professor and she had inculcated ethics and discipline from him. She expected others also to be ethical and disciplined. She was very sincere and has similar expectations from others. She was very punctual by nature.

Dr. Rajesh Shah studied her case details and prescribed Carcinocin 30c along with research based medicines.

At the 2 months follow up on 19 September 2011, Mrs. R.U.H. reported that the itching had reduced by 80 %. The Lichen Planus eruptions had also started flattening.

At the 4 months follow up on 24 November 2011 Mrs. R.U.H. reported that there was significant improvement in her Lichen Planus. There was improvement in her hot flushes also.

At the 6 months follow up on 30 Jan 2012 Mrs. R.U.H reported that the itching and burning had stopped completely. There was 90 % improvement in her Lichen Planus eruptions. The skin had started to clear up. The hot flushes had reduced. The hyper-pigmented spots had also reduced substantially. She had not observed any new spots at all. This was very satisfying for the patient. She felt very relieved that, finally, she was on the path of cure.

(uploaded on 29th Feb 2012 by Dr.ZAR)

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