Significant relief in anal fissures within 6 weeks of homeopathy treatment

Mrs. G. B aged 29 years (Patient Identification number 15694) visited Life Force on 24th March 2011 for the treatment of Fissure-in-ano. She was suffering with Fissure-in-ano since two years and was treated with allopathic and ayurvedic medicines with partial relief.

She would have severe burning pain during and after passing stools which would last for 15-20 minutes. She also had pain while sitting and riding bike. There was no piles complaint. She had an unsatisfactory stool. She would get this complaint 2-3 times in a week which would last for 2 days.

She had an average appetite. She had marked cravings for spicy food. She would sweat profusely all over her body.

She was mild and calm by nature. She was very affectionate.

Her parents were suffering from Diabetes Mellitus.

Dr. Rajesh Shah studied her case details and prescribed his research based medicines along with constitutional medicine.

After 6 weeks of medication her Fissure-in-ano had significantly reduced by 80%. Her pain had completely vanished. Now she could sit for long time. Whenever patient takes any outside food or spicy food, she would get this complaint but with very mild intensity. She is still continuing the medicines for Fissure in ano

Remarks: Homeopathy can give good results in short period of time which supercedes the myth that Homeopathy takes long time to show good result.

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A Grade four student from Mumbai, India, Master M.S. (PIN 16214) was brought to Life Force clinic by his anxious parents on 10th June 2011. He was suffering from asthma for 6 years and, in the last 4 years, the intensity of his complaints had increased. After registration, the case was recorded i.....Read more

Twenty-five years old Mr. ABV (Patient identification number 26926) visited Life Force homeopathy in October 2015 for the treatment of warts.

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A 7-years-old young male child, Boy K.S.K. (PIN- 30431) visited the Life Force’s clinic for the first time on 26th Nov 2016 with complaint of frequent cold. He was suffering from frequent cold since three years. In every change of weather, he used to suffer from the symptoms, such as watery.....Read more

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