After 4 months of medications she completely recovered from IBS....

Mrs. G.D aged 51 years (Patient Identification Number 16225) visited Life Force on 24th June 2011 for the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). She was suffering from IBS since Six months. She would pass semi solid stools four to five times in a day. There was mucus in the stools. She had a sensation of fullness in the abdomen. She would get an urge to pass stools immediately after eating. She lost around 6 kilogram of body weight in three months. There was lots of weakness. She was on conventional medicine without any relief in the condition.

All her symptoms started after her uterine fibroid surgery, as she was not prepared for the operation. There was lots of anxiety related to surgery as she was going to loose one of the important organ in the body. She was depressed after the surgery; also her daughter was overseas for studies and her husband was very busy with his office work. She was not getting the attention, she deserved, in her convalescence period. She was irritated and frustrated. All these emotions lead to the development of IBS.

Her appetite had reduced. She had marked cravings for fish and sour food items. Her thirst was increased. Her sleep was disturbed because of anxiety and depressed feelings.

Her father was suffering from Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus. Her mother was a patient of Arthritis and Hypertension.

Dr. Rajesh Shah studied her case in detail and prescribed his research based medicines along with her constitutional medicines.

After 6 weeks of medicines her IBS complaints reduced by 50%. Her appetite improved significantly. Her stools were well formed. The mucus in stools had reduced. The fullness in abdomen was completely alright. She continued the medicines regularly.

After 4 months of medications she completely recovered from IBS. She gained 3 kilogram of weight in two month. Her weakness improved considerably. She was fine, full of energy. Her anxiety and sleep also improved to a great extent. She felt more relaxed and cheerful.

(Uploaded on 25th August 2011 by Dr.VPG)

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