A 8 years old boy got 80% relief from atopic dermatitis with 6 months of homeopathic treatment.
Master S.L (Patient Identification Number- 19805) visited life force center on 1st September 12 for the treatment of atopic dermatitis.
He had the complaints since 2 years which would aggravate in winters. He had the lesions over the cheeks, legs and hands. He had severe itching and dryness of skin which would aggravate after eating fish, nuts and spicy food. Itching aggravated at night.
He was a sensitive and shy child and there was history of eczema in grandfather. He was applying cortisone based creams since 1 year, fortunately he was not given oral cortisone.
His case was taken in details and he was prescribed with his constitutional medicine along with our research based medicines for atopic dermatitis.
Dr Shah advised him to slowly taper the use of cortisone creams and stop it. Chances of resurfacing were explained.
At 2 months follow up (November 12) Patient visited with parents with acute flare up of the complaints. Eruptions were increased with tremendous itching which was unbearable for him. It was known that inspite of Dr Shahs advise they stopped the cortisone cream immediately after starting homeopathic medicines. Proper counselling was given and he was advised to use moisturisers 3 times a day. Same medicines with increased potency was prescribed for 2 months.
At 4 months follow up (January 13) Patient reported with 30% improvement in lesions and 50% relief in most distressing symptom of itching. His mother described that he had good sleep in last 1 month which was not there for last 2 years.
At 6 months follow up (March 13) Patient reported with 80% improvement in lesions and 100% relief in itching. He was advised to continue the medicines for few months to get cured completely and to avoid relapses.