Homeopathy Gives Excellent Relief And Helps To Avoid Surgery In A Case Of Appendicitis

34-years-old Mrs. L.R. (PIN 10992) approached Dr. Shah at Life Force from a remote state of Tripura on 2nd August 2008. She was a diagnosed case of chronic appendicitis for the last three years. And, two local surgeons in Agartala had suggested surgery. She approached us, as she was not comfortable undergoing surgery.

Her symptoms included chronic constipation for many years. She had continuous pain in the lower abdomen on the right and left sides for the last three years. The pain in the abdomen was often present and it used to shift towards the upper abdomen as well as to the back. She was suffering from a very severe pain near the tailbone. The pain was as if a cramp in the abdomen. The patient kept saying that the pain was very severe.

She also had continuous pain in the left arm, forearm, and chest as well as the left shoulder. His abdominal pain was more at night.

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She has some nauseate feelings for over three weeks. Her appetite was low. She had a low-grade fever more on waking up and in the evening. She had acidity and burning pain in the upper abdomen.

Sometimes, she used to experience burning pain while passing the urine. A surgeon investigated her, all her blood tests and sonography reports were indicative of chronic appendicitis.

Her case was studied in detail by Dr. Shah. This was a surgical case. Usually, Dr. Shah would avoid such cases. However, the patient was hesitating for surgery and was willing to give a fair trial to homeopathy. Dr. Shah suggested that he would give medicine and review after six days; if the improvement begins, the treatment would be continued. He said that if no improvement would take place, the patients would be suggested to go for surgery.

Based on the clear instructions as above, the patient was prescribed a set of medicines based on her case analysis.

She reported after six weeks with an improvement in the relief from pain. She was still constipated. Her medicine was continued with higher potencies. 

At the end of three months of the treatment, her pain in the abdomen and other referred pains had improved by over 70%. Her treatment was continued for the next six months.


This case highlights that homeopathy is quite effective in treating the patient of appendicitis by avoiding the need for surgery.

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