Case-2: "You are like God to us. My son could not walk. Now he walks fine."

Mr. G K, co-owner of a Hotel in Mumbai, age twenty nine years, (Patient Identification Number: 8769), visited LifeForce on 12th of August 2006 for the treatment of gout. He presented with a complaint of difficulty in walking since last one year, and it was getting worse since past three months. He could not walk without support and always required the help of a stick or walker. He had pain and swelling in both the ankles. He could not afford to bear any weight on his ankles. He faced tremendous difficulty in raising from sitting posture. The pain was worse while walking. He was administered strong pain killers and other conventional medicines, since last ten days with no relief. He had also taken tablet Zyloric (anti gout medicines), and vitamin D supplements in the past without relief.

The serum uric acid levels were 7.0 mg/dL on 13/1/2006. X-ray report of the knee that was done on 1/5/2005 revealed osteoarthritic changes in right knee. MRI lumbo-sacral spine was done on 20/2/2006 which revealed S1 partially lumbarized.

Along with gout, patient also complained of pain in knee joints since 3 - 4 months. Pain was felt more in left knee than right and it got worse while walking, standing or raising from sitting posture.

Apart from gout, patient had multiple chronic complaints. He was suffering from asthma since fifteen years for which he was using asthalin inhaler at least once or twice daily. He complained of breathlessness on exertion. Asthmatic attack was specifically triggered by dust and smoke.

Physically, he was stout. He was a non vegetarian by diet. His appetite was average and he had strong liking for sweets. His thirst was normal. He had a tendency for generalised perspiration. He was sensitive to cold weather. His bowel movements, urination and sleep were normal.

After completing his matriculation, he joined his father and brother in the family business of running a hotel in Mumbai. He didn’t have any major stress in life. He lived in a joint family of five including himself, his parents, brother and his wife.

In his family, his paternal grandfather had diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure. His paternal grandmother had high blood pressure and also suffered from tuberculosis in the past.

He had suffered from irritable bowel syndrome in the past. He was diagnosed of pulmonary tuberculosis six years ago for which he had taken conventional treatment. He had also suffered from drug induced nephropathy wherein the serum creatinine level had reached as high as 1.7 units.

He was a well mannered and disciplined individual. He was short tempered. When angry, he used to throw things but he regretted about it later.

He took time to understand the questions of the doctor, and his speech was unclear.

On examination, there was swelling and tenderness in both the ankles. There was no swelling/tenderness on knees.

Dr. Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed Colchicum Autumnale 200c two doses along with some research based medicines for four weeks.

His mother called up on 7th September, 2006 for the first follow up. Pain and swelling in ankle was the same but his overall movement was better. He could walk with lesser difficulty, although with the help of walker. Rising from sitting posture he got better by ten percent. Dr. Shah repeated the same prescription for next one month.

Patient called up on 9th October 2006 for his second follow up. His movements had improved further and the pain, swelling in ankles had improved tremendously. He was still taking help of walker and was finding difficulty in rising from sitting posture independently. Patient was on physiotherapy as well. Dr Shah made the same prescription for next one month.

On 25th of November 2006, he visited the clinic. There was a drastic improvement in his condition. He could walk independently. Pain in both ankles and knees was much better. There was no change in the symptoms of asthma. Dr. Shah repeated the same medicines for six weeks as he was improving with the ongoing prescription.

He visited on 21st March 2007 to give the follow up. He informed that he missed the medicines for one month as his grandfather passed away. The gout was much better despite the gap in medicines. Pain in ankles and knees had subsided and he could walk independently. Asthma was better as well. The inhaler which he used to take one to two times daily was cut down to infrequent doses.

Patient and his mother were very happy with the eight months of treatment they had taken at Life Force for gout. "You are God to us. My son could not even walk. Now he can. " were the words of patient's mother.

(Uploaded on 10th September 2015 by Dr A. U.)

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