Case-4: In four months I'm free from all the pains

Mrs. P.S., sixty five years old lady, (patient identification number 12153 ), reported to Life Force on 9th May 2009, with the complaints of Vertigo with chronic pain in knees (osteoarthritis).

She was having vertigo since about five to six years. She would have giddiness once in about two months, lasting for a few seconds, lasting for over ten days or more. Her giddiness would be pronounced on lying down in the bed. She was able to lie down only on one side, most comfortable on lying on right side. If she lies on her back or on abdomen, her vertigo would be more. In fact, she had a inability to ay on left side, which would immediately lead to vertigo.

In homeopathy case evaluation, such factors, which increase or decrease the symptoms, are very important, as they decide individual patter of the patients.

Her vertigo was worse on waking up in the morning, getting up from the bed. She used to experience Ôsome kind of spasmÕ in the head and headache in occiput on waking up; with heaviness over eyes. She also had Osteoarthritis. Her symptoms were pain and swelling knee joints, bow shaped legs, cramps in legs. She had symptoms in favor of sciatica, pain in legs, varicose veins, mild tortuous veins+ neck pain, shoulder pain, body pain, and hypertension. Her blood pressure was 130/70/mmHg, as she was on anti-hypertensive medicine (AMODEP, 5 mg 1/day).

Dr Shah studied her case in totality. She was investigated for Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3 to check for deficiency. She as already consuming Vitamin B12 and Calcium supplements.

Based on her totality of symptoms, she was prescribed a medicine called Alumina 30c and a few doses of constitutional medicine, Sepia 30.

Her relief in vertigo was almost instant. Within a day of medicine, she was comfortable and her acute vertigo subsided.

Within about six weeks time she had no vertigo. Also, her various pains in joints subsided significantly. She was much more mobile, cheerful and confident. Her homeopathic medicines were strategically continued and some changes were made thoughtfully.

Within four months, she was almost free from all pains and vertigo. Her vertigo did not reappear for over one year. Dr Shah concluded her treatment and asked to report if problem reappears.
(Uploaded on 6th Feb 2014 by Dr.SR)

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Click here for information about Vertigo

Click here for case studies on Vertigo: Case 1 Case 2, Case 3, Case 4

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