Case-4: Excellent results in Osteoarthritis with early changes within 6 months of homeopathic treatment

42 years old female Mrs. S.S (Patient Identification Number- 8528) from Nashik was referred to Life Force center by one of our existing patients for the treatment of Osteoarthritis. She visited our center on 27th May 2006 along with her husband.

Her symptoms were noted in details by one of our associate doctors. She had severe pain and stiffness in right knee since three years. Her complaints used to get aggravated by getting up from sitting position, while initiating walking, by climbing stairs and used to get worse in the winter season.

On obtaining past history she was known to have poliomyelitis in left leg and that was the reason her entire body weight bearing was on right leg. That was the main cause of developing osteoarthritic changes in right knee.

Along with the pain in right knee joint she also had complaints of pain in cervical region radiating to right arm with stiffness and numbness of arm. She had taken lot of painkillers and vitamin supplements without desired relief. She was frustrated that even painkillers were not able to relieve the pain for more than 5 to 6 hours.

While noting her life space it was noted that she was an anxious person. She was always worried about the health of her husband and children without any obvious cause. She had marked craving for sweets.

Dr Shah studied the case in details and prescribed for him a constitutional medicine along with our research based medicines to be taken for 2 months. She was advised to do few exercises.

At 2 months follow up: (August 2006), she reported with 20% improvement and a satisfactory smile. She had come with a lot of hope and she now became hopeful that her problems would get completely better.

The complaints of pain and stiffness had reduced by 20%. She was able to get up from sitting position with less difficulty. Dr Shah prescribed same medicines. At 4 months follow up: (October 2006), the patient reported with same condition as on previous follow up but was still happy as in winters her problems used to get aggravated which was not the case at that time. Dr Shah prescribed the same medicines with increased potency.

At 6 months follow up (December 2006), she reported with 60% improvement in pain and 50% improvement in stiffness. Same medicines were continued.

Patient did not give follow up for 4 months. After 4 months patient gave follow up by phone that her complaints had reduced by more than 80%. She was advised to continue the medicines for few months.

Case Study by Dr S.N.B on 5/2/14

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