Case-1: Three years old recurring skin condition healed with homeopathy
A 16 years old young girl Miss K.P (patient identification number 15992) visited Life Force with complaints of recurring flat and reddish eruptions since 3 years.
She had been treated symptomatically every time by different doctors with partial improvement and recurrence of the eruptions. Her eruptions were difficult to diagnose. Dr Shah examined her eruptions and suspected it to be verruca plana. A skin biopsy was done which confirmed it to be rubbed verruca plana.
She had linear eruptions on neck and chest. She had mild itching and burning which would get aggravated by exposure to sun.
She had marked craving for chicken. She had an aversion to leafy vegetables. Patient could not tolerate heat.
Emotionally she was very aggressive, obstinate and a bold type of personality. She was a fun loving girl, being an only child; she was much pampered and equally demanding.
Based on the totality Dr Shah prescribed constitutional medicine for her along with our researched based medicines.
At 2 months follow up Miss K.P reported that the eruptions had stopped spreading and no new warts were seen in the last 1.5 months. Itching and burning had reduced considerably. Same medicine was repeated in higher potency.
At 6 months follow up Miss K.P reported that the warts on her neck and chest had reduced by 50% and there was no itching and burning. She was happy but skeptical that her eruptions would return back and spread. Dr Shah reassured her and advised her to continue the medicines.
At 8 months follow up Miss K.P happily reported that there was no relapse of the warts which used to be a common phenomenon before visiting Life Force. Her warts had reduced by more than 80%.

At 12 months follow up Miss K.P showed 100% recovery. Her medicines were stopped. A well planned and patient treatment helped her get rid of a three years old and recurring skin condition. The medicines also addressed the tendency of recurrence. She has been advised to report again after every six months.

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