Case-10: I can enjoy long morning walk now - says a patient of Calcaneal spur

I can enjoy long morning walk now - 45-year housewife got rid of the pain of Calcaneal spur 


Mrs RD (PIN 19312) a 45 years old housewife from Mumbai, India, visited Life Force clinic on 22nd June 2012.

She complained of pain in the left heel for 5 months. It was diagnosed as Calcaneal Spur by her Orthopedic physician. She used to have continuous pain in her heel and was not able to walk barefoot or to have a long walk. She did not take any medicine for it thinking that it will go off on its own. She complained and irregular menstrual cycle. She had delayed menses since 2012.

She finally decided to get it treated and consulted Dr Shah at Life Force. While noting down her case study following details were noted.

She had the lean thin physique. Her appetite, thirst, digestion, menses, sleep were normal and regular. She would sweat very less and would easily get affected by cold season. Emotionally she was short-tempered and would speak out her anger often at her children.

All her vital parameters like blood pressure, pulse, heart rate, respiration was normal during the examination. Her left heel did not have swelling or restriction in mobility. However, there was a severe pain after pressing heel.

After case study the details were evaluated by Dr Shah and Constitutional medicine was prescribed to her on 22nd June 2012. Medicines were given for 6 weeks.

Mrs RD reported on 13th August 2012. She was happy while giving her feedback as the pain was better by 50%. Again she was given 6 weeks medicines by making necessary changes in it.

She reported on 25th September then on 7th November 2012. During these 2 months, there was further recovery. She mentioned that there is 70% recovery and now she can go for a long morning walk. Again she was prescribed medicines to accomplish the recovery.

Recently she reported online on 25th January saying that she is completely better and there is no pain. Her medicines were stopped following 100 % recovery in 5 months.

Conclusion – Homeopathy can offer excellent relief in pain in many cases. However, it cannot reverse the bony growth. The patient may have to take medicine periodically. The radiological cure may not be achieved. 

(Uploaded by Dr. P. D. on 2nd February 2013.)

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