Case-4: A homemaker was effectively treated with Dr. Shah's homeopathy medication for her multiple complaints of Corns, Calcaneal spur and Trigeminal Neuralgia.

39 years old home maker Mrs. K. B. K. (Patient Identification Number - 21705) visited our Santacruz branch on 24th September 2013. She was suffering for painful corns on her feet since 8 months. She could not walk due to the pain.There were 3 corns of her feet.

She also suffered from Calcaneal spur since 8 months on her heels. She said each step she walked she felt as if there was nail pinching in her the heels.

She was suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia since 2010. She felt electric shock like pain in her right lower jaw. She experienced such episodes 2-3 times daily which lasted for 2 hours approximately. She was taking conventional medication for the same with little relief.

She was also suffering from Grade 1 duodenitis as per her endoscopy report for which she was taking conventional medication.

She was a vegetarian and her appetite was diminished due to her complaint of duodenitis. She consumed less than a liter of water daily. Her urine, bowel movements, perspiration were normal. She preferred warm weather. Her sleep was sound. She was a home maker and her husband had business of garments. Her elder son was studying in arts graduating in arts and younger son was studying in class 10.

She was mild and sensitive by disposition. She was frustrated and felt helpless due to her health complaints.She would think that why this is happening with her.

Dr. Shah prescribed research based medication after studying her case in detail.

She reported on 21st October 2013. She had overall improvement around 25%. Her corns had started drying up and pain had reduced. Her calcaneal spur were less painful and trigeminal neuralgia had also improved around 25%. She had 1-2 episodes daily instead of 2-3 and the episode lasted for about 30 minutes instead of 2 hours.

She reported on 14th November 2013.Her corns were completely better. Her calcaneal spur pain had reduced around 50%. Her trigeminal neuralgia was around 50% better.She got one episode daily which lasted for 15 minutes and the intensity of the pain had reduced significantly.

She reported on 6th December 2013. Her corns had healed completely and there were no recurrence. The calcaneal spur pain had reduced around 80%. Her trigeminal pain had increased due to dental procedure. Dr. Shah made necessary changes in her prescription.

She visited on 18th January 2014. There was further improvement in calcaneal spur's pain. Trigeminal neuralgia was around 75% better. she got one episode every alternate day which lasted for 15 minutes and intensity of the pain had reduced around 75%. Patient is still continuing her treatment for complete recovery.

Uploaded by Dr. I. R. on 13th February 2014.

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