Multiple Big Round Bald Patches Of Alopecia Areata Fully Cured With Homeopathy

A 27-years-old female, Miss L.J. (PIN 12983) visited Life Force for the treatment of alopecia areata on 1st December 2009.

She came with the recent history of patchy baldness which she was experiencing since 3 months. She had multiple big, round bald patches on her scalp which were spreading rapidly. She also complained of hair loss since 1 year.

She had started using corticosteroids orally and locally since 1 month and that had slowed down the pace of spread. Once while surfing, she came across the side-effects of corticosteroids and so she decided to look for alternative medicines.

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After studying the case in detail, Dr. Rajesh Shah prescribed her a constitutional as well as our research-based medicines.

At the follow-up in Feb 2010, after taking the treatment for two months, Miss L.J. reported that the spread has stopped and no new patches had developed since a month. The existing patches were as it is. She developed the hope of recovery but was very anxious. Dr. Shah counselled her and explained the disease process.

At the follow-up in July 2010, after taking the treatment for six months, Miss L.J reported that all the patches on her scalp had shown complete hair regrowth. She was happy and surprised to see her comparative photos. Her complaint of hair loss was 50% better. She was advised to continue the medicines for another 4 months.

Thereafter, she did not give follow-ups. She visited us in March 2012 with complaint of a small patch of alopecia on her scalp since 2 months. Her case was restudied and Dr. Shah prescribed medicine for her.

At the follow-up after 2 months of the homeopathic treatment, her alopecia patch was completely healed. She was advised to continue the medicines to avoid relapses.


This case highlights that homeopathy is highly effective in promoting complete recovery from alopecia areata. Homeopathic medicines help in complete hair regrowth on the patches of alopecia areata safely without any side-effects.

- Written by Dr. M.N.P., Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah

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