A three year old girl finds amazing results in recurrent chalazion with the help of Dr Shah’s medicines in eight month's treatment.

I. C, age three years (Patient Identification Number - 10173), visited Life Force on 21st November 2007 with the complaint of recurrent chalazion on her right lower eye lid since past one and half years. Earlier they were four in number, on upper & lower eyelids of right eye but three of them had regressed due to warm fomentation. The right lower lid chalazion persisted. The other three had healed. She complained of redness at affected part but there was no pain.

Along with this, she also complained of allergic response to mosquito bites since last two years. Minute eruptions would appear after a mosquito bite and it was followed by intense itching and scratching.

Her appetite was average. She was a non vegetarian by choice. She was very fussy about food. Often her parents would feed her forcibly. She had a strong liking for spicy food, especially chicken and disliked having milk. Her thirst for water was excessive. She was sensitive to extremes of both weathers. Motions were satisfactory but the stools were hard and at times she had to strain to pass stools. She had no complaints in urination. Her sleep was sound.

She was breast fed for two and half months only. Her mother had complaint of morning sickness and hyperacidity during pregnancy.

She was studying in kindergarten. She lived with her parents and paternal grandparents. Her father was at executive managerial position at an esteemed hospital and her mother was a sales manager.

She was playful and restless. She won’t sit idle at one place. She would get emotionally attached to people. She was an extrovert and she loved talking. She was also stubborn to an extent. She had an inclination towards art as well. She loved craft work, painting and drawing. Her grasping power was good. She was quite smart for her age. She would remember all the rhymes taught in school.

Her paternal grandfather had suffered from paralysis in past and her maternal grandmother had heart disease. Her parents did not mention any major illness.

After assessing her case thoroughly, Dr. Shah prescribed her Pulsatilla 200c two doses along with his research based molecules for six weeks.

Patient visited with mother on 7th January 2008 for her first follow up. Chalazion on her right lower eyelid was unchanged. The dark spots left by old chalazion were fading. As per her mother, it regressed due to warm fomentation. There was one new chalazion on lower eyelid and one on inner side of right eye since last twenty days. Dr. Shah made the necessary changes in the prescription and gave medicines for six weeks.

On 20th February 2008, her mother gave the follow up on phone. She informed that the previous chalazion was as it is and new ones were coming but regressing on their own. Necessary changes were made in the prescription and medicines were given for next six weeks.

The third follow up was given on phone by patient’s mother on 17th of March 2008. She informed that the chalazion on right eye lid was much better. However new ones kept coming on both the eyelids, although in very small size and regressed totally in ten to twelve days. She also complained of redness in eyes due to recent cough and cold. After increasing the dose, medicines were given by Dr. Shah for six weeks.

On 8th May 2008, patient’s mother gave the follow up on phone stating that chalazion was better for five weeks after taking the new set of medicines. However there was an increase since past one week. There was one new chalazion on right upper eyelid since a week. The old chalazion on the lower eyelid was unchanged. Dr. Shah reviewed the case and changes were made in the prescription. Medicines were given for next six weeks.

Her next follow up on 23rd June 2008 showed wonderful improvement. There were no chalazions on any of the eyelids. Even the new ones had stopped appearing. The post healed mark was there on the right upper eyelid. The same set of medicines was repeated for six weeks to prevent the recurrence of chalazion in future.

All the chalazion were healed and there was no recurrence.

This case describes how efficiently the recurrence and chronicity of chalazion can be taken care of with homeopathic medicines. Children respond very quickly to homeopathic medicines and positive results can be seen earlier because their immune system has not being hampered much by the conventional medicines.

(Uploaded by Dr. A. U. on 6th September 2015.)

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