A retired government employee found significant relief in Anxiety Neurosis with Dr. Shah’s medicines.

A 75 years aged, Mr. S. L. U (Patient Identification Number - 16874) visited Life Force center on 4th September, 2011. He was accompanied by his son and daughter in law. He complained of Anxiety neurosis since 4 months. There was a dispute between his elder son and his wife a couple of months back. He had become sad and irritable after that. He would weep easily. This changed behavior was noticeable to every one. He would get sentimental at minor issues. He would keep on thinking about the dispute. It was difficult for him to hear other’s suffering. His appetite had reduced and he would feel weak. His blood pressure also would be mildly raised since 4 months. He was advised to take conventional medicine for the same. He had mild low back pain since a month. It was probably a muscular spasm. In food he preferred sweets, rice and curd. Though he was a vegetarian he did not like vegetables. Warm temperature was intolerable to him. His bowels were unsatisfactory. He was physically fit as per his age. He had worked in the ordinance factory as an officer.

He had taken voluntary retirement 16 years ago. He was staying with his younger son and his family. His wife was a homemaker. He had 2 sons and 2 daughters. He was affectionate, helping and selfless in nature. He enjoyed social activities. He was fastidious and a lover of cleanliness. He would clean the house, society and the roads also. He was straightforward in his talks and would express his anger easily. He could not tolerate injustice and if hurt by someone would not talk to that person. He would get worried and anxious about his family's health.

His mother suffered from asthma. Dr. Shah prescribed him Sulphur 30c 2 doses along with research based medicines.

He visited on 8th November with considerable improvement in his anxiety.

He was feeling better and refreshed. He had some minor bowel troubles since a few days. His case was reviewed and accordingly prescribed.

He reported on 16th March, 2012 with almost 50% improvement in his anxiety.

The irritability had further reduced. His bowel problem was also further better.

His case was reviewed by Dr. Shah and he was prescribed Sulphur 200c 2 doses and Nux Vomica 30c along with research based medicines.

He reported on 20th August, 2012 with further improvement in his anxiety.

The irritability had reduced further. He was feeling happy and fresh.

After a years treatment he reported on 31st October, 2012 with almost 85% improvement in his anxiety.

His appetite had improved.

The sadness and weeping were not felt anymore. He was cheerful and totally satisfied with the treatment.

Uploaded by Dr. A.P. on 22 December 2012.

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