A middle aged woman finds wonderful relief in her long standing Meniere's disease!

Mrs. D. A. K., forty eight years old female, staying at Mulund (Patient identification number : 22964), consulted Dr Shah for Meniere’s disease. She was suffering from vertigo since last fifteen years. It was associated with vomiting and right sided hearing loss. Since last fifteen days the vomiting occurred two to three times a day. Otherwise episodes occurred once in a month. Vertigo would last for fifteen to twenty minutes. Her complaints increased on fasting and lying on back. She got relief by sleeping or lying on right side. There was no specific treatment that she took for meniere’s disease. She also got recurrent fungal infection in the groins since last five years. There was severe itching with dryness. The symptoms increased in summers due to perspiration. She also suffered from gastritis since five years that had increased since fifteen days. There was burning pain in abdomen with sensation of internal heat in the body that was more in the morning and increased after eating spicy food. She would feel better after vomiting. She was taking ayurvedic syrup since four days. Her appetite was in excess for both vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian food. She had profound intolerance to hot weather. Yet the thirst was decreased with average perspiration. Nothing significant was detected in her rest of the general parameters. She was menopausal since seven years and was obese in built. She was a housewife. She stayed with her husband who was a businessman in overseas recruitment. She had a twenty years old son and a fifteen years old daughter. Her life had been happy and contented. She was sensitive in nature. She would get easily angered on children, when they behaved against her wish. She was dominating in nature. Her father suffered from diabetes mellitus and hypertension. After going through the case history in details, Dr Shah prescribed her Sepia 30c, China Sulphuricum 30c, Capsicum 30c, Conium 200c and Bacillinum 30c. In the follow up after six weeks, on 24th July 2014, she revealed that the symptoms of meneire’s disease had decreased initially but had increased initially since last two days. She had started with physiotherapy. Gastritis was also better initially but had increased since two days. Vomiting had increased since one day. The symptoms of fungal infection had also increased. Dr Shah made changes and added Kreosotum 30c and Ipecacunah 30c to the prescription. In next two months on 10th September 2014, she informed that all her complaints had reduced drastically. Her vertigo was seventy percent better. However the episodes of vomiting had increased by thirty percent. The fungal infection was only mildly present over genitals and inner thighs. There was only twenty percent improvement in itching. Calcarea Sulphuricum 30c was added to the previous prescription. After four months on 21st January 2015, she reported that vomiting which had increased few days back had now significantly reduced. Episodes of vertigo had become infrequent and were better by eighty percent. Fungal infection in the groins had also lessened. Some new lesions of fungal infection were seen around anal region since fifteen days. There was itching after passing stools. Dr Shah prescribed his research based medicines on the basis of current follow up. She visited on 23r April 2015. Her meniere’s disease was much better. Vertigo had considerably lessened with relief of over ninety-five percent. Vomiting had also decreased over eighty percent and occurred occasionally. Fungal infection was ninety-five percent better though slight itching was still present around anal region. To summarize, it can be stated that homoeopathy can reduce the discomfort caused by vestibulocochlear disturbances effectively without causing any side-effects. Homoeopathy has a good scope in the treatment of Meniere’s disease. (Uploaded on 2nd October 2015 by Dr M. J.)
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