This is one of over 300 cases documented at Life Force, illustrating how homeopathy helps avoid surgery in most cases of recurrent tonsillitis...

Master A.P (Patient Ref. No. 15897) 6 years old boy was brought to Life Force Borivali center with the complaints of frequent colds and throat infections since 3 year. He would get episodes of frequent throat pain, once every month and each episode would last for about 3-4 days. It would begin with irritation in the throat and he would develop pain in the throat, inability to swallow, associated with high grade continuous fever. He would experience difficulty in eating and drinking during these episodes. His complaints would get worse with cold food and drinks, in winter, chocolate, grapes and change of weather. His ENT doctor had strongly suggested to get the tonsils removed for which his parents were not ready. They chose to try homeopathy. On examination, he was found to have enlarged and inflamed tonsils. Marked congestion of the throat was noted. He was fond of chocolates, pastas, cheese and Chinese food. His thirst was average. Sleep was good but he had a history of getting fearful dreams. After the birth of his younger brother, patient became very aggressive and attention deficient. He would demand for every ones attention. He would feel neglected and becomes aggressive in order to draw everyone’s attention. Once he is pampered he would become normal. There was a strong history of frequent colds and allergies in the family (parents and grandfather and uncle had suffered from these). Based on this study of his case, he was prescribed Tuberculinum 1M. He was prescribed Calcarea Iod 30 C and later on 200 C. He improved remarkably with the treatment and within six months of the homoeopathic treatment, the frequency as well as the intensity of tonsillitis episodes was brought down to 80%. He would not require antibiotics anymore for his complaints. His immunity was much better than before and he could now take cold food and drinks without fear of getting throat pain. Also he became much more tolerant to the weather changes and would not get frequent tonsillitis as before. This is one of over 300 cases documented at Life Force, illustrating how homeopathy helps avoid surgery in most cases of recurrent tonsillitis. (uploaded on 3rd Jan 2012 by Dr. M.N.J)
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Mr. N V (Patient Ref. No. 21179) a 31 years old computer engineer from Chiplun, Maharashtra, reported to us with complaints of hair loss in June 2013. He was suffering from hair loss since about 6 months. He would lose about 50-60 strands daily. This was leading to development of male pattern bal.....Read more

A 17-year-old male patient, Mr. A.K. (PIN: 12482) visited Life Force Homeopathy with the complaints of Nephrotic Syndrome on 3rd July 2016.

Each episode of the nephrotic syndrome would start with cold and cough, throat pain, and fever occasionally. In his reports, urine prote.....Read more

58 years old businessman, Mr. N. P. B. (Patient Identification Number - 19219) visited Life Force on 9th June 2012. He was suffering from palmo plantar Psoriasis since 1 year. It had started to spread since 3 – 4 months. He would get few spots on abdomen which would come and go occasionally.....Read more

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