Remarkable improvement in case of chronic recurring Migraine with Dr. Shah’s homeopathic medication.

Thirty one years old Mrs. S. R. T. (Patient Identification Number-21842) visited our clinic on 28th October 2013. She was suffering from Migraine since she was eighteen years old .She was suffering from right sided headache daily since fifteen days for two hours. The frequency of such episodes recurred once a year. She had tried managing it with conventional medication with not much relief. Her complaints used to increase in winter and she was better by rest and head massage. She was also suffering from sinusitis along with migraine. She used to suffer heaviness of head with nose obstruction twice a year and it used to last for two days. She was managing it with conventional medication. She also complained of acidity and sour eructation. She experienced burning sensation along with nausea once in fifteen days and it lasted for two hours. She was a vegetarian with good appetite. She liked eating sour food and disliked eating spicy, sweet and milk products. She perspired occasionally and she preferred cold weather. She had sound sleep. She was working in a private company. Her family consisted of spouse and five years old son. Her spouse had his own business. He conducted computer classes. She was workaholic and short tempered by nature. She used to be perfect in her work and any single mistake at work used to make her feel guilty and stressed. Her complaints used to increase with this stress. She used to share her problems only with her husband. Her father suffered from high blood pressure. Dr. Shah prescribed her research based medication after studying her case in detail. She reported on 1st January 2014. She had considerable improvement in her complaints of migraine and sinusitis. The frequency was still the same but intensity of her headache had decreased around 50%.She didn’t need conventional medication as it was bearable. Her complaint of acidity was still the same. She also complained of hair fall since two weeks. Dr. Shah made necessary changes in her medication. She visited on 31st March 2014. She had significant improvement in migraine. Her headache’s intensity had decreased around 75%. Her complaints of sinusitis had further improvement. She still had acidity for which she was taking antacid. Her complaint of hair fall also showed good improvement. She is still continuing medication for complete recovery. Uploaded by Dr. I. R. on 2nd April 2014.
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Case Studies

A 4-year-old female patient, Ms. C.P. (PIN: 44244) visited Life Force Homeopathy for treatment of her complaints of constipation on 28th November 2020.

She was suffering from complaints of constipation for 2 years, and her condition was progressing. Her stools were hard, and .....Read more

A 27-years-old man from Mumbai, Mr. R.R.N. (PIN: 32817) registered with Life Force on 21st July 2017 for his complaints of Lichen Planopilaris. The patient had been suffering from the disease for a year before he registered with Life Force. His disease was progressing.

He had round dry .....Read more

This is a case of a 61 year old gentleman M. B.K.B (Patient identification number: S-5321) who reported to the clinic with complaints of urticaria since the past 3-4months. He had these episodes almost every day. These episodes are worse in the later part of the evening especially from 5 to 10 pm.....Read more

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