Case-4: An IT worker could overcome Erectile Dysfunction and Anxiety Neurosis with  Homeopathy

Mr. D.R.B. (Patient Identification Number: 22549) a thirty-six-year-old man visited Life Force on 3rd of April 2014 for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. He complained of erectile dysfunction and loss of sexual drive since last one year. He also suffered with anxiety neurosis. He faced difficulty in getting an erection. Even if he could get an erection, he would suffer with premature ejaculation. He had taken conventional treatment for sexual dysfunction but got no relief.  

With this complaint he had also suffered with anxiety and frequent panic attacks since ten years. Physically, he was of an average built with dark complexion. He was a non-vegetarian by diet. His appetite was average and he had strong liking for salty, sweet food and meat. His thirst was normal. He had a tendency to generalized and profuse perspiration. 

He was sensitive to extremes of both hot and cold temperatures. His bowel movements, and sleep were normal. He had frequent urination at night. He did not have any addictions. 

He was working in an IT company. He was married and had one year old son. His father was retired government officer while mother was a home maker. His wife was also a home maker.

His father had ischemic heart disease and mother suffered with high blood pressure. There was no significant history of any major disease in his family. 

He did not have any major illness or infection or surgeries in the past. He was mild and gentle in nature. He was also very much timid. He was very reserved. He was sensitive  and would get upset over trivial issues. He had anxiety about his future and job. He would rarely get angry as he feared to get involved in fights. 

Dr. Shah studied the case in detail and prescribed him constitutional medicines. He was also advised to exercise regularly as it relaxes the body and boosts the energy levels. He was also suggested to have enough sleep everyday and to avoid spicy food. 

He visited Life force for his first follow-up on 17th May 2014. He informed that he was better with the ongoing medicines. He experienced erections in the morning, but there was significantly no change in sexual drive. His anxiety had reduced by ten percent. 

On 14th July 2014 for the next follow-up, he visited clinic. He reported a further improvement in the complaint of erectile dysfunction by twenty-five percent. He continued to experience morning erections. He still suffered with premature ejaculation whenever he attempted to have a sexual intercourse. His anxiety had further improved by forty percent. Dr. Shah added one of his research based molecules to the ongoing prescription to enhance the improvement. 

After four months on 10th November 2014, he visited the clinic again. He was happy with the results achieved. There was great improvement in his condition. He could feel the positive results right from the first day of starting the new set of medicines that were prescribed in the last follow-up. He could have satisfactory intercourse in the last one month. His complaint of premature ejaculation was eighty percent improved. He only suffered with the same occasionally. His frequency of panic attacks also reduced by seventy-five percent. Dr. Shah repeated the same medicines for next four months.

He continued the treatment with regular follow-ups. A consistent improvement was observed in both complaints of anxiety and erectile dysfunction.

On 16 October 2015, he reported eighty-five to ninety percent improvement in his complaint of erectile dysfunction. He was overwhelmed with the improvement achieved. His anxiety levels had drastic reduction and he felt more confident than before.

He reported on 21 st March 2016 for his follow up. He had ninety-five percent of improvement in his complaints of anxiety and erectile dysfunction. His panic attacks had stopped completely. He was very much happy with the treatment at Life force.

He preferred to continue with the treatment as it not only helped him in his physical complaints but also at psychological level. His confidence was boosted with medicines as well as the counseling given by Dr. Shah.

Thus, Homeopathy is strongly recommended in cases of erectile dysfunction with promising results. It’s holistic approach helps the patient get rid of not just the physical ailments but also soothes the mind by achieving emotional peace. 

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