My Stye recovered without any allopathic treatment!!!

Fifty-six-year-old home maker Mrs. B.N.M. (Patient Identification Number: 2929), an existing patient of Life force under our treatment for interstitial lung disease; visited Life Force on 21st May 2014 with the acute complaint of stye on right eyelid since 2 days.

She presented with a stye on right eyelid. There was swelling and pain over the right eye. There was watery discharges from the eyes. She also had mild grade fever. She had suffered from a stye on left eye before 20 days. She was responding very well to Dr. Shah's treatment for her respiratory complaints. She wanted a permanent cure to her recurring styes with homeopathic medicines. Her photos were taken.

She was a known case of diabetes mellitus and thalassemia minor. 

Dr. Shah prescribed her research based medicine for recurrent stye, along with the medicines for her respiratory complaints.

She visited Life Force on 3rd July 2014 for follow-up. She was happy to report that her stye was completely cured. There were no recurrences during the course of medications. Stye had completely disappeared. There was no swelling around the eyes. Discharges from the eyes had totally stopped. During these period, she visited Leh and Ladakh and was happy to report that she did not have any respiratory complaints either during her tour. Her photos were taken. She was happy that she didn’t require allopathic medicines to control her styes and they got better with homeopathic medicines. 

She continued her treatment for her respiratory as well as other associated complaints 

This case illustrates the role of homeopathic medicines in acute complaints. Her stye got permanently cured and she did not have any recurrence. 

(Case study prepared by Dr. K.M.)

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