Case 3: Three and half years old child free from Lip picking: Case of Cheilitis treated effectively with homeopathy.

Three and half years old child, Master MRK (Patient Identification Number: 25567), a resident of Nashik Maharashtra, visited Life Force Homeopathy for his complaints of Cheilitis. 
When he was one month old, he started getting urticaria with angular Cheilitis. He suffered from urticaria once in 15 days followed by cheilitis. His mother gave him syrup Atarax and applied hhsone cream externally. During each acute episode he developed hives all over his body with itching, swelling over lips and bleeding from cracked lips. He continuously picked his lips due to irritation.

He had associated complaints of vitiligo, atopic dermatitis and bronchitis. He had hypo-pigmented spots all over his body for which he applied topical steroids. For vitiligo and atopic dermatitis he was on conventional medicines but his parents wanted to start homeopathic treatment for the same. He also got acute episodes of bronchitis every 15 days for which he was treated with antibiotics and nebulization. His bronchitis got aggravated in rainy season. His father was suffering from plantar psoriasis and mother had under-active thyroid.

His paternal grand mother had palmar psoriasis. His maternal grand mother and father suffered with hypertension and diabetes.

He ate both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. He liked chicken, sweets, milk and fruits and had aversion for fish and spicy food. He had tendency to perspire profusely mostly on his forehead and was sensitive to hot weather. He slept soundly and preferred sleeping on his abdomen.

His father was agricultural Engineer and mother was a professor in a college. His sister was studying. His grand father was retried and grand mother was a housewife. 
He was shy towards strangers and was very stubborn and cranky at home. During times of illness he always clinged to his mother.

After analyzing the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed research based medicines for him. His photographs were taken to analyze the progress in future follow ups.
On 30th July 2015, in the first follow up his mother reported that there was no significant improvement in the cheilitis, though the frequency of urticaria had reduced from once in 15 days to once in 2 months. Swelling, cracked lips and bleeding was same. His mother noticed that there was slight improvement in his vitiligo, though she observed some new spots. Based on the feedback, Dr. Shah prescribed revised medicines for him. 

On 25th August 2015, in the next follow up his parents reported that there was significant improvement in cheilitis. They reported of fifty percent improvement in swelling, cracks and bleeding from the lips. They also observed that frequency of picking of his lips had gone down. He got episodes of urticaria once in 2 months and the intensity was significantly less. After analyzing the follow up, Dr. Shah prescribed further medicines.

On 22nd October 2015, his mother reported seventy five percent improvement in cheilitis and there was no swelling on his lips. Cracks were minimal with only slight bleeding from it. Episodes of urticaria were also reduced significantly. His vitiligo was improving though there were few new spots after withdrawal of steroids. His mother was using Syrup Atarax once in 15 days now. 

On 27th May 2016, the child visited with his parents who were happy with the improvement seen in cheilitis. They reported that their child is completely free from cheilitis and there was no swelling over his lips. His lips were not cracked anymore and there was no bleeding. His mother reported that her child had stopped picking his lips as he was completely free from irritation. There was no episode of urticaria and he had not taken Syrup Atarax in last three months. His Vitiligo was also showing improvement and he is still continuing medicines for the same at Life Force. 

Homeopathy offers effective, speedy and safe treatment for cheilitis during acute as well as chronic states. Even in children it is safe without any side effects as homeopathic medicines enhance body’s own healing capacity so that all the deviations of immune system are brought back to normal.

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