Case-3: Complete cure for fungal infection at LifeForce Homeopathy

Seventy nine years old Mr P.K.P. (Patient Identification Number: 26540), visited Life Force Homeopathy on 19th August 2105 for seeking treatment for fungal infection (Tinea corporis). 

His fungal infection was progressively increasing since its onset three months back. It was on groins, axillary regions, right side of back and on lower region of right leg. The lesions were in form of circular patches with red elevated edges. In the beginning, edges would be red and later get hyper-pigmented. There was lot of itching and burning over the lesions, which aggravated with perspiration and at night; and was better after hot water application. In past, patient had used topical application of Betnovate-C and Sapat lotion for ten days. He had also taken self medication of homoeopathic drugs like arsenicum album 10M for one month, psorinum 1M for seven days and single dose of psorinum 10M.

In past history of illnesses, patient had suffered from typhoid in childhood and was operated for cataract three years back. In family history his father had diabetes and hypertension. His mother had cancer and both brother and sister were suffering from hypertension.

Mr P.K.P. had an average appetite for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. He liked to eat sweets. His thirst was average with tendency to moderate perspiration. There were no complaints while passing urine or stools. Sleep was slightly disturbed.

He was a retired serviceman and was staying with his elder son, who was working in a restaurant, his daughter in law and grandson. His wife had expired in November 2014. His younger son was staying in Japan, working as project manager there.

Patient had spent a stressful life during his adolescent and youth stages. He was mild and gentle in nature but confident. He was hardworking and felt that nobody should get into trouble because of him. He would never share his sufferings with anyone. In general examination his weight was 79.3 kg and blood pressure was 160/80.

On going through the above case history, Dr Shah prescribed Bacillinum 30c, Cand 30c, Tellurium 30c and new research based medicine.

In the follow up on 28th September 2015, patient reported that the fungal infection in axilla was five percent better. He was using allopathic medicines, Capsule Canditral 100mg, one tablet two times in a day since ten days. Redness was slightly less, itching and burning remained unchanged. Accordingly he was prescribed the same medicines that were given last time in addition to two doses of Sulphur 30c.

Patient visited clinic on 6th November 2015 for his follow up. There was fifty percent improvement seen in fungal infection in all the affected regions of the body. Redness was less and there was no burning. Itching had reduced by forty percent. No new eruptions were seen occurring in last one and a half month. Patient was experiencing acidity since ten days. He was getting loud eructations (burp) through out the day with occasional pain and heaviness in the chest. The symptoms temporarily got relieved after eructations. New research based medicine for acidity were added to the last prescription .

He reported seventy percent relief in his fungal infection in the next follow up on 30th January 2016. Lesions in both axillary regions, groins, right side of back, lower region of right leg and hips had reduced significantly. Redness and burning was completely cured. Slight itching was present. Hyper-pigmentation on the affected areas had also reduced. Symptoms of acidity had reduced ninety five to hundred percent. His blood pressure was still persistent on higher side and so he was advised to start with salt restricted diet.

Mr.P.K.P. visited for follow up on 14th April 2016. There was seventy five percent relief in all the symptoms of fungal infection. Affected areas were totally better with respect to burning, redness and itching. Hyperpigmentation was still present but had reduced. Also, there were no complaints regarding acidity; loud eructations and heaviness in chest had completely gone. Patient was experiencing left sided sciatica since eight to nine days. Pain was of radiating nature from left hip to behind left knee which was present all the time without any tingling or numbness in left leg. This would increase in morning on waking up and while getting up from sitting position.

Patient was also complaining of eczema behind both ears since one month. An offensive discharge  appeared on removing the scales from the affected area. Itching was present only occasionally. Considering the new development Dr Shah prescribed Natrum Muriaticum [VM/2] 30c along with the medicines that were prescribed for the last time.

On 26th April 2016 patient reported further improvement in fungal infection. Burning, redness and itching was completely better in axillary regions, groins, lower portion of right leg, right side of back and hips. Patient did not experience any symptoms of acidity in last four months. Left sided sciatica pain was better by fifty percent. Continuous radiating pain in left leg had reduced significantly. Eczema behind ears was also better by fifty percent. Offensive discharge and itching both had reduced. His pressure was 134/70. He was prescribed with same medicines that were given in the last follow up.

He continued his treatment for complete recovery.

Above case study shows that Homeopathy is very effective in treatment of deep seated chronic fungal infection that are partially relieved with steroidal applications. 

Dr Mrudula, 6th June 2016.

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