Forty year old lawyer shows good improvement in Psoriasis even after relapses with homeopathy medicines

Forty years old patient Ms. E.S (Patient Identification Number: 6616) visited Life Force Homeopathy on 12th March 2004 with complaint of Psoriasis.

She had complains of psoriasis since 15 years. She had patches on both hands, legs, nails and back. She had sever itching and scaling on skin. She had taken allopathic and ayurvedic treatment but nothing gave her relief. 

She had an average appetite, loved spicy food and had strong aversion to sweets. She had average perspiration, her urine and stool were asymptomatic. She had regular menstrual cycle. 
She was an advocate by profession. Her father was a retired advocate. Her mother was house wife. She had one brother and one sister who were also advocates by profession. 

She was a very happy and contended female. She had social kind of behavior and had lots of patience and tolerance in her nature. She was reserved by nature and always suppressed her emotions. She was unmarried at the age of forty but she did not have any regrets about it. She had anxiety about her disease.

Her mother had complains of hypertension and arthritis. Her father also had high blood pressure problem. She had past history of measles in childhood.
With all these case details, her case was analyzed by Dr. Shah and she was prescribed some research based medicines.

On 30th April 2004, patient reported that she felt better. She felt changes around ten percent. The patches on hands and legs had started getting better. She also developed few new patches on her thighs at the same time. Itching and scaling was same. On the basis of this feedback, Dr.Shah changed his prescription and gave new medicine.

On 10th June 2004, patient reported that her disease was not better. Patches on her hands and legs were spreading. She had got many new patches in last one month. She had also got some spots on face. Itching and scaling was gradually reducing. She was anxious as she was not getting better. She was councelled by Dr. Shah and other stronger medicines were prescribed to her. 

On 1st December 2004, patient reported that she was feeling better. Psoriasis on hands, legs and nails was getting better. Itching was fifty percent better. Scaling was also less. There were no new leison appearing in last 2 months. Patient got very happy with the treatment. This gave positive hope in her to continue the treatment.

On 7th December 2004, she reported that she was around thirty percent better in her complaints. Patches were getting more better on face, hands and legs. Itching was very minimal. Scaling was almost gone. Her patches on back were also getting better. She got two spots on right shoulder since one week but she was explained not to worry about it and to continue with the treatment. 
On 1st February 2005, she informed that psoriasis was further better. All her patches were subsiding gradually. There were no new upcoming patches on the body. Itching, dryness and scaling was very much better. Patient was very happy and contended with the treatment. She further continued it to make it much more better.

On 6th June 2005, she reported that her complaints were very much better. Her itching was almost gone. There was no further scaling. There were no new patches coming up. Patches on her face, neck, nails showed good improvement. Patient was very happy with the response. She further continued with our medicines.

On 14th October 2005, she informed that she was further better. Old patches were almost disappearing but at the same time she noticed that since few days there were some new spots appearing on face. There was no specific cause found for it. To this Dr.Shah revised her case and gave some more strong medicines.

On 24th February 2006, patient informed that she was better for all this months but since last few days again she is getting some new spots. Old spots on face were better these days but since last few days they had started spreading and increasing in size. Patient got anxious because of it. She was councelled by Dr.Shah and was advised to continue medicines regularly.

On 6th June 2006, she reported that she was overall better. On nails, psoriasis did not show major improvement. She noted that patches on face and other part of body were very much better. There was no itching or scaling present. New spots have stopped appearing since three to four months. She was very hopeful on homeopathic medicines and she continued same to get completely better.
On 11th December 2006, she gave feedback that psoriasis was improving. Patches on face and neck were fading. Hyperpigmentation on skin was getting better. Psoriasis in nails was stable. She developed new symptom of dysmenorrhoea during first two days of menses. Dr.Shah prescribed her medicines along with some research based molecules.

On 9th April 2007, she reported that she was overall better. Psoriasis was under control but not still completely gone. Her dysmenorrhoea was also better with homeopathic medicines. There were some new spots appearing on legs since few days, the intensity of spots was very mild but patient got anxious because of new spots. Dr. Shah explained her the nature of the disease and again she was given some more stronger medicines.

On 29th August 2007, she informed that she was stable. No new spots have appeared in last few months. Hyperpigmentation was also getting better.itching and scaling was almost nil. Dysmenorrhoea was also very much better.

On 30th December 2007, due to winter season and change in climate, patient got mild aggravation of disease. Her psoriasis was little flared up because of seasonal change. There were new spots seen behind her ears and on her neck. Old spots were stable. On basis of all this feedback Dr.Shah prescribed her other powerful medicines.

On 28th April 2008, she reported that her complaints were further better. There were few new spots coming on both the legs but rest of other things were under control. Patches on scalp were very much better. Itching and scaling was not there. Her abdominal pain during menses was also better by our medicines.

On 3rd October 2008, patient visited and informed that her complaints were same. There was no increase or decrease in her complaints. Psoriasis on scalp had mild itching present this time. Other spots were as it is. To all this feedback Dr.Shah prescribe some medicines further.

On 4th February 2009, she informed that psoriasis was further better. Few eruptions come and subside down
on legs. Hyperpigmentation was same. Overall patient was better. There were no new spots present at that point in time. She continued the treatment further.

On 25th July 2009, she reported that her psoriasis was around seventy percent better. Itching and scaling was not present. Psoriasis on nails also started getting better. It was around fifty percent overall better. Patient was very happy about treatment. She further continued medicines to get more better results.

On 8th December 2009, she visited and informed that psoriasis was further better. Very mild one or two spots were remaining on back. There was no scaling and no itching. Nail psoriasis was same as compared to last time. Patient had got hysterectomy done on 30th October 2009. She did not had any complaints of it at present but there was mild tenderness on incision scars. She was also experiencing sore throat since two days. It was mainly because of seasonal change. She was prescribed further medicines by Dr.Shah and was advised to take medicines regularly as she use to skip her dose sometimes.

On 23rd April 2010, she informed that psoriasis was improving. Redness of skin was reducing and psoriasis on nails was improving. She said that she had seen remarkable change in her nails, the nail bed was recovered, but now since 10 days, nails had got back to what it was earlier. This mainly happened because of stress. She lost her father in month of March 2010 and had gone to lot of stress. To all this feedback Dr. Shah prescribed her some strong medicines.

On 5th October 2010, she reported that she was overall better. There were no new spots seen in last months. Old spots were getting further better. Itching and scaling was occasional. She was advised to apply moisturizer or coconut oil whenever she got itching. She had complaint of urine infection last month which was now better. For this she was advised to take more fluids.

On 3rd February 2011, patient informed that she was better in her complaints. There was small spots remaining on skin. There was little dryness present for which she was advised to apply coconut oil more frequently. Her scalp had mild itching which was bearable to her. Hyperpigmentation was also better. She further continued with treatment to get completely better.

On 13th June 2011, she reported that psoriasis was almost sixty percent better. There were some new spots on both legs which had come up since fifteen days. Psoriasis on nails, back , neck etc was better. Patches on scalp was almost fifty percent better. There was no itching present in new spots. She was feeling better from inside even though she had developed some new spots.

On 28th November 2011, patient informed that her psoriasis was around sixty percent better but since last five days her complaints have increased little bit. She had developed new spot on left side of abdomen which was very small in size . There was no itching on new spot. Psoriasis on chin was around forty percent better. Psoriasis on both legs were almost ninety percent better. Scalp patches were almost gone. Only mild itching was present on scalp. Redness around nose, chin, cheeks etc was around sixty percent better. She had developed two wart on neck since one week which were painful when she pulls it. There were no other complaints present. On all this followup, she was given further medicines.

On 28th March 2012, patient visited and reported that psoriasis was better these days but since last fifteen days again it had increased. There was no specific cause present for it. It was increased more on legs . There was redness and itching in spots. Nails spots were same. There were no other new complaints present. She was prescribed further medicines

On 12th July 2012, patient visited and reported that psoriasis was further better but since last one or two months it was little increasing. Psoriasis on nails was same. Old patches were getting better. Warts on neck was reducing in size. Patient was over all better.

On 18th December 2012, patient reported that she was further better. Old spots were almost forty percent better. There were some new spots coming on legs but quantity and intensity was very less. Itching and scaling was also better. Patient was advised to continue medicines further for more better results.

On 15 May 2013, patient visited and informed that her psoriasis was under control. There were no new spots erupted. Old spots did not had any spread since last many months. Spots on chin and nails were the same. There was mild redness and itching present. Scaling was not there. She further continued the treatment.

On 28th October 2013, patient reported that psoriasis was better but since last two to three weeks it was increasing. Few spots on thighs were coming and going. Patient had complaint of itching since few days. She was advised to apply coconut oil twice a day for the same. Her complaints were aggravated because of winter season at that point of time. Redness and scaling was also increased little. She also had complaint of acne which was now better. On basis of all this feedback, Dr.Shah prescribed some strong medicines and along with that some research based molecules.

On 20th March 2014, patient informed that she was not better. She developed some new spots on her waist and thighs since fifteen days. Old spots were as it is. There was no change in them but new spots have come up. Itching, scaling and redness was also increased. Her complaint of acne was also increased since few days. She developed many acne on face. Patient got very anxious about all this complaints. Dr.Shah explained her nature of disease and councelled her. She was advise to continue medicines further.

On 10th September 2014, patient reported that she was overall better with the complaints. Itching and scaling was not there. New spots were coming but the intensity of spots was very less. Her complain of acne was also better. There were no new acne coming up. Patient was overall better with the medicines. She was advised to continue medicines for further benefits.

On 11th March 2015, patient informed that psoriasis was better these days but since 15 -20 days there was little increase in her disease. New spots came up on hands and legs. Itching and dryness was not there. Patient feeling improvement overall. Acne complaint was further improving. Hyperpigmentation was getting better. She further continued our treatment for better result.

On 6th August 2015, patient informed that psoriasis was around forty percent better. Old spots were getting more better. Old spots were also getting faded and re- pigmentation was seen. Psoriasis on scalp was almost seventy percent better. There was no itching or redness. Acne problem was almost nil. Patient was very happy with the treatment.

On 6th May 2016, patient visited clinic. She visited after gap of eight months of treatment. She said she was better all these month but in the month of March she went to Kutch and after that her psoriasis has little increased. All the old leisons were completely gone but there were new leison since last two months. There were no redness in the leisons. Her complain of acne was completely gone. On basis of all this feedback Dr.Shah prescribed her medicines along with some research based molecules. 

Patient was very contended and happy with the treatment.She was very thankful to Dr. Shah and the life force team who helped her and made her so much better. She is still under our treatment to get completely cured. 

(Case study done by Dr .K.R.B)

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