A 16 years old boy Master A.B., resident of Chattisgrah

Patient identification number 21966 started treatment with Life Force on 28th November 2013 for his extensive Atopic dermatitis.

His complaints started after 3rd day of birth for which he took conventional treatment (topical and oral steroids) for two months. In between, he was symptom free from the age of 6 years to 15 years for nine years.

In 2013 complaints again started in the form of reddish blistering eruptions on his both hands, shoulder to wrist, both legs, thighs to ankle, sometimes up to fingers, on back, on chest with intense itching. He used to get boils with watery discharge oozing at the margins of eruptions. Sometimes the oozing was so much that he had to apply bandage all over the patches. The discharge was sticky and yellowish in color. His complaints used to increase on change of weather mainly in winter season and sometimes with the sour things like citrus fruits and curd.

He had associated complaints of recurrent cough and cold since birth for which he took Allopathic and homeopathic treatment. The skin complaints were alternate with respiratory complaints.

His father and mother had no specific illness. His paternal uncle  had same complaints as his.
Physically he was tall, lean and average built with fair complexion.
He was a vegetarian by diet. His appetite was average and he had strong liking for sour, spicy things. His thirst was normal. He had tendency to profuse and generalized sweating when the skin was normal.

He was studying in 9th standard and was the only child in his family. His father had a job and mother was a house wife .

Throughout his childhood he was very much depressed due to his skin disease.

He was studying in std 12th. He got irritated and depressed with aggravation in skin complaint. He could not concentrate in studies. He had anxiety about what people will think about it. Whether his friends would talk to him.

Otherwise he was calm in nature; reserved and shy. He did not get along easily with new people and took time to talk with new friends. 
He was average in studies and his memory was also average.

With all this case details the case was analyzed by Dr. Rajesh Shah on 26/11/2013. He prescribed his research based medicines along with constitutional medicines. He also advised to avoid sour food and junk food.

On 20th January 2014 patient informed that within two months medicines the skin improved in thickness, blackishness and roughness about 20 to 30 % .The colour of skin also faded. Discharge from his hands and legs initially reduced but again became heavy. 

Patient was explained that these are the common phenomena in which the discharge sometimes increases after starting the medicines but then gradually will decrease .
On next follow up he reported that there was no discharge; the existing spots also got reduced. The skin of leg and hand were slightly better in their roughness and blackishness.
On 20th July 2014 the patient found 80 % improvement. As there was no spreading in old spots; he only experienced sometimes discharging, On both legs below the knees and upper heels roughness was there.

In September as the discharge started again the patient was upset and had fear of relapsing but the doctor explained him about the aggravative factors just like winter season, stress or any exogenous factors flair up the conditions in some patient, and so he should not take tension for that.
During winter season the discharge was as it is but the spreading was stopped. In 23 May 2015 as the winter had finished and the research based medicines were going on the discharge was stopped remarkably. There was no itching and the thickness was also better.

Next year in winter also there was no increment in discharge. Compared with last winter this winter was great for him. The dryness, thickness and hyper pigmentation were almost stable but the main thing was discharge which was bothering him a lot was better .

Due to such a result, patient`s anxiety had also gone down .On follow up at 26th February 2016 the patient was overwhelmed with joy as the result was best.
On 27 June 2016 was his last follow up as after that he was supposed to go out of station for further studies. However, still he was continuing the medicines by courier to stop and prevent recurrence. 

Thus, Homeopathy does not treat superficially by just driving away the symptoms but heals the patient from within. During treatment the discharge may appear which are common phenomena and are easily controlled by medicines. Undoubtedly, Homeopathy is the medicine of future.


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