Multiple Autoimmune Diseases Cured with Treatment at Life Force

Mr. P. B fifty years male, (Patient identification number 19433) visited Life force on 11th July 2012 to seek treatment for multiple complaints like dyspepsia, alopecia areata, and urticaria. He complained about accumulation of gas and flatulence which he suffered since three years. He could not tolerate oily food which would aggravate his complaints. It would also give him chest pain on and off. 

He was recently detected with alopecia areata with a bald spot on chin. It was quite stable. His thyroid reports as on 19th November 2012 were normal (TSH 3.82).  

Personal history

He was a vegetarian by diet with an adequate appetite. He had a craving for sweets. The perspiration was profuse on the whole body. The bowel movements were regular. He was sensitive to cold weather.

Family history: Father was suffering from diabetes, apart from which there was no other major illness in the family

Constitution and family set up

The patient was averagely built with a fair complexion

He had a nuclear family which consisted of his wife who was a housewife, eight-year-old son and two daughters. By profession, he had his own wholesale business of electrical goods.

By nature, he was an introvert leading a sedentary lifestyle. There was no major stress in life and was contented with whatever he had.


After the case, evaluation was done Dr. Shah prescribed Lycopodium 30 with one of the research-based medicines. He was also instructed about dietary corrections and improving his lifestyle. 

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The patient visited Life Force for his first follow-up dated 17th November with a huge improvement in the gastric complaints. He mentioned that along with dietary corrections and daily morning walks he had a ninety percent improvement in complaints of flatulence and bloating of the abdomen. But he mentioned about new alopecia patches seen on the chin and two patches on right temple since two months. He had an episode of urticaria once which was milder than earlier. The patient was advised to repeat the thyroid profile. Dr. Shah prescribed the same medicine for the remnant gastric complaints along with research-based medicines for alopecia areata. The patient had discontinued the treatment thereafter.

The patient visited after a gap of four years on 24th February 2016. He mentioned that all the old complaints of dyspepsia had come back. He also presented with a new complaint of Urticaria developed since two months. However, he was completely cured of alopecia on the scalp and chin. He was quite worried about the urticarial rash which would come daily with severe itching. He had already started taking anti allergic medicines along with a steroid (Omnacortil 20 mg). The patient was advised to taper the steroid medicines and was intimated about the flare up which he may get after stopping the steroids medication. The patient was advised to do the IgE levels test which would determine the allergy levels in his body. Dr. Shah prescribed medicines according to the follow-up.

The patient called to give his follow up on 10th May 2016. He submitted the medical reports dated 29/02/16 which were as follows: - Total IgE - 803 (High), Thyroid function test : Within normal limits. The complaints of dyspepsia were quite under control. The patient happily mentioned that urticaria was better by seventy percent and was on a tapering dose of the anti-allergy medicines in the past four months. The urticaria now was only limited to legs with mildly bearable itching. He was prescribed medicines for two months with advice in diet and regimen.

The patient visited the clinic for his follow on 23rd August 2016. There was a consistent recovery in urticaria. There was no episode of urticaria in past five to six months.the anti-allergy medications were stopped since one month. Dyspepsia was completely better with regular follow-up and change in his sedentary lifestyle. The patient was very happy with his recovery with the treatment he received at life Force. On your request, he also gave a written testimonial about his recovery. 

The patient is still continuing treatment at life Force with a maintenance dose for urticaria.


Homeopathy is a well-known stream of medicines for allergies. Urticaria is a type of an autoimmune allergic reaction in the body which responds very well with homeopathy. However, one needs to be consistent and regular in taking medicines. In this case, urticaria was recently detected and the patient readily informed us which helped us immediately treat him and control the further progress of the disease. Moreover, if he would have continued taking the steroids, it would have complicated the disease more and treatment time would have increased. Alopecia is another autoimmune disease which was also timely detected and treated with homeopathy. Hence, timely detection with prompt homeopathic treatment helped the patient get rid of taking allopathic medicines with parallel improvement in his immunity.     

-Dr. Kanchan Gohil, Life Force Homeopathy.

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